Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hey! Four Eyes…!

Are you wearing the right glasses, you old fart!?!? 

 A hundred years ago I spent - and probly wasted - a ton of money on glasses. I’d get the high end tungsten designer frames, trifocals with special anti-scratch coatings, warranties, the works.

Now I just go to Costco and get cheap garden variety frames, glass lenses…and to hell with bifocals and trifocals and coatings and tints! I do a lot a little finicky work with tiny screws and bolts and there’s no help for it… I gotta take the glasses off for fussy work. Tri, bi, or single focus be hanged.  

At least, according to the chart above… I am wearing the proper frames to keep the fashion police off my case. Considering my age, generous build other unsavoury physical attributes, that is something of an accomplishment indeed.


  1. I get freebies from the VA (right in the middle of my affordability scale). Selection from that pool is fairly thin. The for money section, selection is quite large and fashionable.
    I'm kind of an involuntary rebel, when it comes to fashion.
    I save my discretionary mula for hardware n sheeit.

    1. Before needing prescriptions, I lived in blu blocker wraps, because I worked outside. Cataracts are cumulative, like hearing loss. Lucky to still have decent night vision.

  2. I like how, according to the chart, aviator frames fit ever'body and oversized frames are not good for any faces! :-)
