Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Profanity Matrix

Skillful profanity is an art.

For most of us though - it’s just a public expression of stupidity. Something that has 
become a habit for me. I’m going to have
to work on that…


  1. It's just a LEETLE bit hart to avoid being affected by the profane world, being immersed in it as we are. Juss sane...but yeah, I need to corral my tongue.

  2. Thanks for the useful chart, dirt-hat. Rump rangers world wide will find it a useful addition to their online discourse. There's got to be a way to inject this sort of information into the generative AI models.

    Yes, creative profanity is a sign of higher intelligence.
    - Mr. Mayo

  3. Vonnegut once pontificated (possibly paraphrasing here) that "When one uses foul language, you grant others permission to ignore what it is you are saying."

    OTOH, Deming put forth the proposition that "Without data, you have merely an opinion."

    So I find this chart to be amazingly edifying, useful and amusing all at the same time.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!
