Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Hump Day Porn Puzzler

 Not everyone in this world is a oinker with a filthy mind. If you are as pure as the driven snow… carry on, and God bless. But…I have an inquiring mind and understanding female behaviour is something I am not good at. I see the behaviour patterns and commonalities… but I don’t get the “why” of it.

If you’re over 18 we’ll take this one into the back room.

Glad you could make it.

So…in my cyber slumming I came across a school of naughty fishies:

A furtive look out the window…

So… this one… maybe not so much. But all the others it was much more pronounced. These exhibitionists would furtively look around to make sure there’s no one around, the coast is clear - and then flash the camera. Wouldn’t want any casual passersby to see it, dontchya know…

And then they’ll go and poast it on the innernet where every passing perv, masher, and dirty old stubfart can see it?


This lady does it only once…but this other little vixen who worked for Starbucks did it to a much higher degree: she’s looking all about, hither and yon…and then up goes the shirt to reveal two little pierced nipples, the universal sign that she’s crazier than a basement dwelling chit house rat! 

I wonder because neoliberalism embraces “slut culture”. I think making a slut or a tart feel ashamed of herself is a hate crime in Canada now. There used to be slut protests in Canada where the tarts would run around topless, shrieking and screaming slogans. Mind you…most of them had nothing worth looking at, if ya wanna be brutally honest about it. But they were right down with letting it all hang out.

These amateur pornographers seem to know on some level that what they’re doing isn’t right and that they feel some guilt about it… but they do it anyway. Why?

We may never know…


  1. Back in my high school days (late '50s) the babes did similar things, but they didn't have smartphones to record it and social media to disseminate it.

    1. Well that’s a behavioural can of worms too, BB. Technology and morals and ethics have changed since then so much…

  2. Oh my...anyway, where's the proof of pierced nipple, coffee girl? You're probably just making that up to push the outrage for rioting at Starbucks... not that there's anything wrong with that...

    1. It was on another vid that I didn’t poast, Mike. That’s another behaviour I don’t get. To me pierced nipples would be a turn off. I am probably a statistical outlier in that regard, maybe…?

    2. I prefer no tats or piercings, pierced ears i can accept but not my thing. 30 years ago i was shocked when a car passed me and the passenger flashed her boobs at me, these days it happens once or twice a year driving too and from work


    3. Glen, I'm not into tats or piercings either, but journalistic accuracy and integrity pretty much demands it, I'll grit my teeth and frown disapprovingly...

  3. My former stepdaughter works for Starbuck's. Hell, she's crazy, so it may have been her!

    1. Budd…being a father these days is an extraordinarily dismal business in the wrong setting. I don’t recommend it…😂

  4. She seems like a nice girl. Probably a pleasant conversationalist. A good girl, crazy about Elvis, loves baseball, and (maybe even) America too!

    1. ...and the vampires, moving west down Ventura Blvd...

    2. I remember that time I about 40’ up a willow and “FREE FALLING”

  5. Glen Filthie- that pervert turtle pic CederQ put up must have sent your mind in this direction. Get off the weird train at the next stop.

    1. You just leave Filthie alone Texson, he is doing just fine with my subliminal programming.

  6. The camera isn’t human but she checks to make sure no human saw her do it. Not quite the exhibitionist she thought she was

  7. She can't see the internet watching her, and the internet doesn't know her.

  8. The intent is to get the viewer to think that little show is "just for him" and no one else. It's naughty but sweet, intimate in a sort of way, and probably designed to get her way more likes on instagram or youtube or onlyfans. Probably even a subconscious move on her part, she most likely couldn't even explain why she does it, but there it is.

    1. That's plausible Don - I never thought of that...

  9. Most likely it’s calculated to suggest that the exposure is riskier than it actually is. She found a place to do it without getting arrested, now she’s looking around mainly for show

  10. Give me an older woman every time
    Give me an older woman every time
    They'll never kiss and tell
    Yeah they're grateful as hell
    Give me an older woman every time

    So I'm twenty-something and headed for thirty, yeah? I'm dating an older woman, and she has three daughters, all teenagers, all trying to be super cool and with it. Two can't keep their clothes on when they are around me and their mother isn't anywhere in sight. I ignore the behavior and consult an expert down at platinum showgirls.

    "She wants attention," three girls told me. I buy them drinks.
    "So what do I do?" I ask.
    "Ignore it. If they don't stop, or they start showing more, have a talk with their mother. Tell her what's going on, and tell her to handle it."

    So I ignored it, and it slowly went away. This girl in the video wants attention, but she wants it on her own terms, hence the furtive glance. She knows there's no one there, but just in case... and that's that.
