Friday, September 6, 2024

Someone’s Gonna Get It… Fatal Fenimine Friday 😜👍

…and ya just know it’s gonna HURT!!!

I can just hear the death-grunt that shiv is gonna make as it slides 
up some deserving tard too:

Hrrrrmmm…. I seem to have a collection going on in my files that isn’t extensive, by any means… but possibly worthy of note…


Drunk women are train wrecks just waiting to 
happen. In today’s socio-sexual climate, NEVER drink with women unless
you are happily married.

This one may be alright.
I can’t read her, behind her eyes all I get is a cerebral flat line.
She could be the cutie next door or an axe murderer…

Ughhh those Russians!!! Ukranian women can be domesticated 
but Russian women?
THEY domesticate YOU!
And you’ll LIKE it - or else!

Never seen one a these in the wild.
Regardless, avoid them like the plague. They’re shit magnets
that WILL get you killed, and possibly. 
themselves as well.

We all know how women drive.
Now, imagine that in three dimensions…
Today vibrant female pilots are being grown and harvested in places 
like Africa too. 
I’m glad my air travel days are over, to be honest.

Don’t worry about these, they’re gone with the old world.
I’d definitely avoid the modern “military” female if I were still
In the dating game.

This one might be redeemable…

Like I said.
Ya seen ‘em drive. Ya don’t wanna be around when they’re 
flying or shooting…

Now that I think of it… I should turn these over to the RCMP. Women like this will cheerfully kill a man for something as trivial as wiping his bung on the drapes or crapping in the fish tank, or dribbling on the toilet seat.

Let’s all be careful out there men. 


  1. The fatherly advice I never received. And a bit late too. But... sweater girl or revolver girl can corrupt what is left of me any day they please.

  2. The secret sauce broad is giving me a chubby.
    Kidding, I got jokes.


  3. Have to laugh at the shit magnet chick sitting side-saddle in the red skin outfit. I agree that they are some of the weirdest weirdos I ever met when I was single and on the dating market 15-20 years ago. Tend to have a "rough" background and are an absolute freak in the sheets too. They don't dress like that in public, but often have red skin "wisdom" posters on their walls and love those great feminine wisdom posters too. Guess they never read "Empire of the Summer Moon". Maybe they have !!!!! My advice either way - RUN & don't look back.

    The other warning sign for a psycho single female is the wide "choker" style necklace. She'll rock your world but probably kill you after mating, black widow style. I truly hate to see these choker necklaces on young girls - because her very single, very "active" MOMMY is behind it, living vicariously. What hope does the kid have?

    1. Hrrrrrmmmmmm… Y’know… your anecdotal observation on those choker things might be bang on the money, A. I can think of several supporting cases now that ya mention it.

      The younger squaws can be cute as a button but yep, most have been around the mill hard, and by gawd…they hit the wall HARD, generally speaking. I’ve always been taught that you keep a big distance between yourself and them or you’ll have big trouble with their men. Dead red women are a thing up here that no one wants to talk about for obvious politically incorrect reasons. They drive their own men off the deep end too, more often than not. The best thing a white man can do is quietly heed that stuff about avoiding stupid people in stupid places…

    2. Not Canadian, so I thought that "squaw" was a regular part-Italian or part-Spanish chickie playing fancy dress-ups - like Shania Twain. Didn't realise a genuine young "squaw" could look like THAT !!! What sorcery is this ?? I might be catching "red-fever" . . .

    3. Chrome off a trailer hitch and golfball through a garden hose come to mind

  4. I wonder if the woman starting the Bleriot XI is Harriet Quimby, the first female pilot, and also the first woman to die in a plane crash.

  5. Blank stare chick isn't an axe murderess. Poison looks to be more her M.O.
    - WDS

  6. Belly up to the bar and loosen your belt.
    Always drink when you're alone or with somebody else!
