Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Ramble

Well the good news is that Mom sent her psychotic ankle biter back to the foster home. There is a curse on the Filthie family with regards to dawgs - they can’t pick out a decent dawg to save their lives. They’re either retards (which is okay, a guy can work with that) or they have heart breaking health problems. I am the obvious exception to the family rule and it infuriates them no end. My dawgs are perfect - just like me! (Fuggoff, Cederq! (You too, Mike! (And especially you, Chutes!))). HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!


I should not gloat and tempt the gods. More appropriately, I give thanks that I had so many good ones that lived out their years and gave us so much happiness. While mom and I are deeply adversarial… I didn’t like the way that one went down. Mom’s always been a rancid bitch and she’s struggling with life and loneliness right now too. She needs a dog. I told her to do it right before all this began. She should get a Yorkie or a Chi-hoo-hoo pup or one of the other flavours, raise it properly and enjoy the noise and pandemonium as much as possible. Sure, she’s 80 years old but if she becomes incapacitated - she can just send the mutt here and it can live out its life with us. “Shut up,” she explained, “That wouldn’t be fair to the dog…”


I dunno what she means by that, and I probably don’t WANT to know what she means by it. There are some things I refuse to discuss with her and this feels like one of ‘em. She’ll have to sort it out herself I guess.


The Yank politics continue to be simply awesome. I remember a podcast ages ago where the guys were spitting and gobbing with rage about the conduct of the mass media as they lied about something they knew nothing about…and their Chinese guest shut them right down. “What’s wrong with you guys? We get the exact same thing in China! Of course it’s all bullshit and propaganda! We just tune it out and ignore it…”

Viewed in that light…it actually makes for some light sport and entertainMINT. I poasted a rotten one awhile back, supposedly describing a scene in deep red, rural Eaton Rapids. All the truckers, farmers, stubfarts and other conservative dirt people watched Kamala on the TV and collectively sighed with admiration and opined that Kamala will be the best president yet in the history of the USA. (I have no doubt Joe was actively involved in that discussion!) But…I’m seeing that everywhere now. Did you know Blumpf got trolled by Kamala and was sobbing with rage afterward? That now that Joe dropped out… the Orange Man can’t sleep at night and is having health problems? Sources for the Huffinpo told the girls that the old bastard went apoplectic when he found out all his voters were flipping to Kamala… 


Maybe it’s all true and it’s just me… but I saw a clip of a vid on her at a rally with a bunch of queers and troons… and good lord. It was as bad as watching Biden fumble and mumble and shitting his pants. Just watching that shit show convinced me she won’t ever be a president. The lefties themselves will have to remove her the same way they did with Biden.  But… whadda I know? I am still blown away by the velocity of the stupidity going on. Consider - a week ago, a full blown premeditated assassination attempt was made on a presidential candidate. A couple days later that got bumped from the news cycle as the Donk party staged an internal coup against itself. Now that has been bumped and the focus is on a shit skinned whore who now embodies American values and is a staunch defender of democracy? I dunno… but when idiots start going this fast…nothing good can come of it. I can’t keep up. 


I finally got my flying crap sorted out. I’m up to speed on the flight simulator. I’ll have my membership and keys to the airfield today or tomorrow. I have two new birds to fly.

This is an Ugly Stik I built a couple years back. I taxied it around and on skis, all the flippers and gizmos work, the CG looks almost perfect…but it’s never been in the air. She flies before the snow flies. It’s the first plane I ever built so I expect it’ll be short-lived! HAR HAR HAR! I expect a fiasco.

The other hanger Queen down in the Reclusium is a scale Hawker Sea Fury. These are very interesting birds because certain authorities claim that they could put the boots to fighters like the P51 and the Spitfire. We may never know because it came out at the very end of the war and never saw any action. The first jets were taking to the sky a short time later and piston and propellers became obsolete for fighter aircraft.

Mine has a .61 Thunder Tiger in it, with retractable landing gear. It has never flown either. I don’t like the engine and may replace it even though it’s brand new. That will take some careful thought. A gasser might be nice…the price of nitro is highway robbery…

That’s it for me for now. I hope your Friday is fast and your chores are light, and that good things are on your agenda this weekend. As always… thanks for stopping in.



Name Them


Peter Porn


Where D’ya See Yourself In 5 Years Filthie?


Friday’s F-Tard

Soon I will be indistinguishable 
fron Cederq…

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Used To Laugh At The Holy Rollers…

 … that used to prattle about poisoned minds and a poisoned world and how we were headed straight to hell if we went along with it. I stopped laughing about ten years ago. Elon’s a little late to the party, in my opinion. His kid is a troon and he got ghosted by his kid the same way I did with mine 10 years ago. And - he’s getting blamed for it all to just as I was. 

That girl is nauseating.
Somehow she knows all about the family dynamics, who’s responsible 
and who to blame. 
God may or may not hate fags…
but Darwin and Murphy do. They aren’t too fond
of their enablers either…

He’s going through the same emotional wringer I did too - sometimes that ol’ Red Pill is a suppository that could dose an elephant. When I was a kid we understood that faggotry was an underlying mental illness that also often manifested itself as pedophilia, transgenderism and other mentally degenerate behaviours. Contrary to the usual shitlib slobs and harridans … it’s all the same thing. Some people can manage a mental illness. Most can’t, and they will spread it if you let them.

Over the years and tears I’ve given this stuff a lot of thought. And it reminds me of my days on the fire squad at work. The thing they drove into us about any rescue was this: protect yourself first. If you don’t… you can end up dying with the victim because of it. The same thing applies here. So many people go after the queers hoping to understand them and save them and just end up getting hurt along with them. This retarded young woman is even unloading on a distraught father. You can’t deal with these people. All you can do is limit your exposure to them. 

Luv bobs and vajeen too!πŸ‘πŸΏ

When kids start hurting themselves to hurt you… it’s too late. They are not crying for help, they are bellowing threats and you’d better listen and believe them.  They will try to destroy you as well as themselves. Don’t believe for a second that they can’t do it.

There is no easy way out. You can take your lumps and part the road between you… or hold them close while they slowly destroy your soul and blame you for the misery they created for themselves.

I know Elon is no hero… but my heart goes out to him and I wish him well.