Monday, July 1, 2024

Will You Guys Please FOAD With That Shite?


Pardeau moi francais. But … Hell’s bells, if ya want an AR - BUY ONE. Same for those bungholes with tactical lever actions. Those things are gay, don’t bother trying to change my mind. I’m sure everyone is just dying to hear what this old Fudd has to say about handgun optics too…

For me the jury’s still out. There are no magic bullets in pistolcraft: if red dots have a place on handguns it is only after significant trigger time and practice. They will not make a mediocre shot into a good one. If you just have to have one - don’t F around. The Trijicon red dots are the best in the business and they’re worth every penny.

A dedicated hunting rig? Sure! 

I dunno if Trijicon makes a pistol scope but if they did I’d buy that too and use it. Personally I wouldn’t go above 4X. My scoped Ruger wears a Leupold 2X and I can put all my shots on a Dixie cup at 75 yards with it. You don’t want to shoot too much further than that with most hunting revolvers. The big pocket rifle single shot pistols are another story.


  1. Are those Korth revolvers on top? I mean, yeah they look stupid, but my understanding is that those cost like $5000 a pop or so. I'd love to shoot one at least once to understand how that's 5 times better than any Smith or Ruger.

    That bottom rig - A-OK. I had an old Ruger in .357 with a scope on the barrel, easy peasy hitting beer cans out to 75 -100 yards. Fun as hell. Never hunted with it, just target practice.

  2. I recall seeing red dots on handguns maybe 10-12 years ago. 6-7 years ago they were coming up to maybe half of the handguns you'd see on the line at a class or a match. I poo-pahed them as a gimmick for several years, but no more.
    Old-guy eyes (far sighted, eyes are too brittle now to be able to focus up close without reading glasses) made me give it a try and y'know, red dots can be a darn good thing.
    I agree that just putting a red dot on won't make a shooter better, there is a learning curve that can take a while. I did mine by using the red dot gun in a bunch of local steel matches to get used to it and it took several months for me to get there.
    But wow, does it especially help when trying to hit small targets at farther than your normal handgun distance.
    A small thing that might help someone trying to transition to a red dot- I like the multi-reticle Holosun 507. You can run it as a plain dot, a big 65 MOA circle or both dot and big circle. That big circle makes it much easier and faster to acquire the dot when you're presenting the pistol.
    Tom from East Tenneessee
