Monday, July 1, 2024

The Filthie Pick Up Artist

I used to hang out in the old Manosphere long ago. My favourite gender warriors were the so-called “pick up artists”. Their philosophy was that the modern North American woman was a piece of shit, and her only value was that of a fast roll in the hay, followed by a quick (and often brutal) dismissal. In their eloquent parlance: Pump N’ Dump…


With seduction the only goal of any relationship, these philosopher kings developed sure-fire ways turn helpless, hapless women - into sex slaves. If you mastered the art of Game…you’d be up to your ears in poon and women would fall at your feet! The guys that claimed to have created infallible game were often faggy looking characters and “Gamma Male” types. Odd how that worked…

But…I digress! imagine if the old tales were true… and there WAS one sure way to score every time… d’ya see it? I bet if a guy that wasn’t a faggot - learned to make those artsy farts coffees… women would be putty in his hands! My natural tendency would be to dump out that cup and fill it up with black Folgers or whatever is in the Jerry can … but for the purposes of seduction? I can see coffee art as being a guaranteed way to score.



1 comment:

  1. If I have to endure faggot coffee and it's art, I give a hard pass, pussy ain't worth it to degrade my man card and self respect.
