Sunday, June 30, 2024

I Don’t Get This


Do women do this for themselves or for the guys?

I might ask the same about nose rings too…


  1. Do you mean pretend to be Christian? Nahhh, she’s clearly DTF as the pickup artists say. It’s a very basic “shit test” to see how confident you are: stare openly, make a disparaging comment about saggy tits and 99% chance she’s got a waterfall happening “down-there”.

    The latest fad amongst the “upwardly-mobile, go-grrrrl” set in my (govt) work place is the asinine “bullring” in their septum. Nothing screams “FITH” louder than a bullring piercing in my humble experience. Even blue or green hair is less toxic . . .

  2. Nothing there that a basic MRI can't fix. Or a jumpstart from one of those nifty powerpacks. As long as there's enough juice to light the dash you can push and clutch start it with a manual box. If it's an auto just push and watch it roll down the hill, out of your life and into someone else's...

  3. As disgusting as Tats, ear gauges, piercings etc. Not wife material.
