Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Dominion Day


Far as I’m concerned, this is the true Canadian flag.
My nation died the day they abandoned it for the maple leaf.

I don’t have a stitch of patriotism left. It used to be our leaders were all about establishing Canadian identity. The CBC was supposed to be Canada’s Voice, the maple leaf became our flag to emphasize our independence from Britain, blah blah blah… then our independent nation became multicultural and all of a sudden swarms of illiterate shit skinned turd brained vibrants came flooding in and they’re all just as Canadian as I am - MOAR so, in fact. It’s not just that… it’s the faggotry, feminism, socialism, the nauseating virtue signalling. Those are the big things but it gets you all the time with the little things. Example:

That’s a tin of pipe tobacco (a rather nice blend, if I do say so myself). Here’s what that colourful tin looks like in Canada:

The heath nazis out east decided that tobacco products cannot have colourful, alluring packaging or advertising because Tobacco Bad. Think Of The Children!!! For awhile they put pictures of rotting gums and lungs on the packages to make sure the customers knew how awful tobacco is. 

And then these same faceless, unelected, anonymous fuck heads legalized drugs! No shit - portions of Hongcouver look like movie sets for the walking dead where addicts shamble along, hunched over, or standing in one place, mesmerized by the static buzzing and crackling between their ears. The nannies tell me that the health programs can’t afford the drain imposed by sick tobacco users…but they have all kinds of money for effed up drug addicts. Supervised safe injection sites; needle exchange programs, reduced sentences in court when they run amok… GAH. Everything in Canada works like that. Let’s grab everyone’s guns and legalize drugs! Let’s replace Canada’s white population with retarded, violent shit skinned foreigners! Let’s tax the shit out of our people with multiple carbon taxes to show how much we love the environment! So what if people are losing their homes and businesses and can’t afford to eat!

Sorry…maybe it’s my age… maybe I’m up on the wrong side of the bed… but…fuck you, Canada. 


  1. Well the queers are gonna get what they demanded....real oppression at the hands of fundamentalist illegals they championed to be here. Oh, the humanity! If the shit goes sideways like France is, I will give zero fuckage for the purge get what you fucking deserve.

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Agreed. I no longer get upset when I see women getting raped, or men getting killed by feral vibrants and imported criminals. The first thing outta my face is “if they’re liberals, they voated for it and most assuredly deserved it…”

  2. You can fuck you to Canada, I will fuck you to the US. Both could have been prosperous and a shining light, instead we get burnt out bulbs of "newcomers" that are invaders. Time to unsheathe the swords! Nothing more satisfying' than watching a politician's noggin sliding off of her/his shoulders.

    1. That’s exactly where this is going, Cederq, and no bones about it. My fear is they are going to draw theirs first… while fags like B hector and badger us to lay down ours…

  3. I can identify with your situation, Glen Filthie. One benefit to living in the desert of West Texas is not having to put up with that worse-than-annoying scab on the population. There must be something about living in big cities that make people stupid. My family, dog and assemblage of guns make me happily distracted.

    1. City living de-humanizes people, Tex. They can do unto others and then split; they never get punched in the snoot, and they can insulte themselves from their own stupidity and consequences of their choices. I don’t think that bubble will last much longer…

  4. The nice thing about the dopers is they make easy targets. You come up to the frozen ones and pop them in the ear with an H&R 929 revolver. Ten pops per cylinder. And after the first one they all are free. With No Brass for forensics to mark CBC's photo-op is very much degraded.

    Down here, even though I hate what's happening with the Mojados, I still love my country and the pre 1980 northern cousins.

  5. Our town was hard core conservative but liberals started moving here because it was cheaper than the shithole cities the created.

    Now we have a flaming post master who has been busted snooping into peoples mail and complaining we never had a pride parade. Other liberals suggesting we convert the community hall into refugee housing.


    1. Same thing happened with a town mayor in Fwance. He wanted more faggotry and diversity so the townsfolk burned his house down.

  6. This shit is every where in our commonwealth too. I went to a local bushwalking club meeting last night with the missus. First warning was we were the youngest present by about 20 years (we’re early 50’s). All present were very white, Caucasian and thoroughly grey-headed. We were warmly welcomed. The meeting began and started with a fucking “welcome to country”. Wife looked at me & rolled her eyes ! What-The-ACTUAL-Fuck. The rest of the meeting went down hill from there. It was all about Arthur & Martha’s trip to Japan, complete with 300 out of focus pics. ZERO bushwalking. What the heck????? Needless to say, I very much doubt we’ll be back. A fucking “welcome to country” at a BUSHWALKING club filled with retirees????? I bet they would shit their pants if they went to a genuine aboriginal community - fucking virtue signaling old C-bombs. No wonder Australia is fucked too.

    1. Sounds about right. My mother’s generation is like that. I avoid the geezers as much as possible. I try to be nice but I won’t take crap off them.

      Mind you I’m becoming one myself…. I’m trying to do just 8 km a day with the pup…and there are days when I really feel it…😞

  7. Stay focused. It’s not Canada as such. While I’m disappointed by and disgusted with various well-meaning groups of goodwhites and Churchians, the root of the problem are still the rootless cosmopolitans (or pick your euphemism). Ultimately they’re the ones behind all the leftisms, much of the moral decay, nearly all the pornography, the second and subsequent waves of feminism,, the debasing and devaluation of our currency, the fucking financialization of every damn thing, and the damned Victimhood Culture. Not that the rest of us are free of blame for going along with it, but look to the actual instigators for root causes.

    Okay, now that I’ve had my by-now-rote rant about You Know Who, a comment on Canuckistan. It’s been years since I was anywhere other than the biggest cities, namely Toronto and Vancouver. Which were full of nonwhites to a degree that shocked me after a decade of basically not going to Canada. Still, it’s the major urban areas, I said to myself. So this spring I went walkabout (okay, driveabout) smaller cities in Morontario. London, Stratford, Guelph, that sort of thing. My God! What The Fuck happened? MENA and sub-Saharan types all over these smaller cities as well. (The actual farm towns between Sarnia and London still looked like the Canada I remember from 40+ years ago: white, tidy, polite, but the rest of it? Holy shit! After three days of this unrelenting barrage of sacred diversity I was physically ill. Actually queasy and nauseated. I still don’t have words for it.
