Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Ramble

Oh man… I gotta go to mom’s this morn and rearrange her house. Whenever I go over I get grilled about my health and her face just falls when I say I’ve got a clean bill and all’s well. I got my eyes examined for a new pair of glasses and they tell me my prescription actually improved. Then the bung doctor called yesterday and said my PSA levels are going back down to acceptable normal levels and my prostate won’t be killing me this year. I dunno if I’m gonna tell Mom any of that ‘cause it’ll ruin her day, HAR HAR HAR!!! Plus it’s really bad juju to go round bragging about stuff like that. I’ll probably croak anyways when I gotta move that big bloody old TV for her. I should make her day and tell her I’ve got stage 7 rectum cancer and only weeks to live, maybe? Bah - that invites the wrath of God too… I have to be nice, Mom is looking old and frail and she will be gone soon enough. My time left with her might be better spent trying to repair old breaks rather than opening them up further…

Dawg Patrol with the Niglet was something else too. Yesterday we spotted pelicans in the moat around Dawg Island.

BC and BP must be filling them up with clams, beans n’ lobsters and table scraps down in Florida - and sending them up here to shit on my head and my truck! They are filthy, disagreeable things and the local geese obviously hate them. Not that they are any improvement… they are shitting everywhere and making a hell of a mess too.

We must be at mid summer now because the second clutch of babies have just hatched.

Mrs. Mud Hen and Mrs. Mallard greeted us as we made our rounds. These park birds are far too tame and I worry that the neighborhood cats will have their ducklings in short order. These morons are not known for their wise nesting habits…

The Niglet conned me when we got home too. She was all over me wanting to lick and cuddle and I figured maybe it was because the wife forgot to feed her and she was sucking up in hopes that I would. I gave her some extra treats after her walk and she was still all over me…so I fed her and sure as chit rolls down hill…the wife sends me a text saying the little turd is lying and that she had been fed. 


Oh well…she’s been on a diet and going for longer walks so she’s looking a little thin. A few extra calories aren’t gonna hurt.

Today all is well around Castello Di La Filthie…and I hope everything’s fair with you too! I hope your Friday chores are fast and short - and as always - thanks for taking the time to drop in.




  1. Our lab also tries to con you into a second breakfast.


  2. Even evil little Chihuahuas tries that same con! And I haven't got as senile as the biden, so I know I have fed her.

    I hope you enjoyed our Independence day celebration. Every time a driveway mortar went up I thought of you you Glen, stuck behind enemy lines with a more wussified leader...

  3. I had a dog that was such a glutton. He would chew a small rathole in the bag if I wasn't there to get on his black ass. I had to put him on diet food. I shoulda ate it with him. The one I have now won't eat unless you massage his scrotum. Wife says I should knock it of or people gonna talk. She say at least stop feeding him on the front porch.

    1. I think you have been out in the hot Texan sun too long Texson...
