Friday, June 7, 2024

Why Do Women Wear Underwear?

And why do they natter about equality?
If I did that I’d get 30 days in the can…


  1. Wome Knickers? The question is Why do people engage in popular, stupid fads?

  2. I thought those were facemasks. I find underwear that covers the majority of the rump with a little heart-shaped skin showing leaves a bit more to the imagination. As for equality, they will not shut their pie holes, even when they have infiltrated everything that men are doing. I'm waiting for the female kicker/quarterback/running back in the NFL. Sean Connery said something long ago when the females wanted to join his golf club. No! I agree, get your own course. I will never understand it. They have everything and still it's not enough. Sadly, it's not enough to be female as it was intended.

  3. So they don’t leave “snail-trails”? The question is why do they allow some child to draw on them with permanent ink? How freaking ugly. It screams “I’ve got no brains” to everyone in sight (as well as other, more disgusting things). Speaking of disgusting, i met my first ever pair of “they-thems” yesterday. Effing hilarious !

  4. Who knows what she’s gonna get in the can?

  5. I love girl butts, but somethin' not seem right.

  6. Gross smelly skank!
