Monday, May 27, 2024

As a matter of personal interest, despite myself… I have become fascinated with Japs. They are just the most fascinating people you can imagine. They developed calculus independently by themselves in the 17th century. They went from feudalism and cavalry to fighter planes, mighty battleships and international geopolitics in less than 80 years. Courtesy, manners and consideration are a matter of personal pride. They are serious people.

I’m surprised they can poop at all given the way they eat…


  1. No, Glen. Japan's greatest tragedy is being chalk full of beautiful, truly feminine women and having among the lowest birthrates in the world because Japanese men are largely disinterested in them.

    1. I'm talking out of my arse, JL, so I may be full a beans but I heard that the lot of the young japanese man is awful. They work inhumane hours for peanuts and cannot afford families and homes even if they wanted them.
      Also, the faggotry/social justice/feminist movement has moved into Japan as well.
      I wonder how you can raise a family in a 700 sq.ft. apartment in one of the congested mega-cities...

    2. You heard right. Personally, I think it's because they eat too much soy products. The Japanese man of today is mainly a very low T individual. So they're not interested in the women and the women aren't interested in the men.

      Thst's why a gaijin like me can go over there and have zero problem picking up a gorgeous woman who'll shag like a demon, even if I wasn't a half decent looking guy. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

    3. Do ya know what a “waifu” is JL? I want one a those on a hologram too. At my age you get worn down, fighting with the wife. The idea of just turning her off and falling asleep in your chair while neglecting the chores… there’s a lot of appeal in that… ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

    4. Know what a waifu is? Shit, Glen...I have a waifu. Had her for 15 years. Can't get rid of her, either.

      Best part is, if I need some 'quiet time', all I gotta do is piss her off - not hard at all, btw. She likes to ignore me when she's pissed and hasn't figured out that isn't punishment for me when she does that.

  2. One glimpse into Japan's culture today and it makes you wonder sometimes whether we nuked them too much or not enough...
    - WDS

    1. Well that could be said of all of us these days, WDS.

  3. On the bright side the Japanese don't have a "migrant" problem

    1. Actually there government just starting bringing in 'migrants' because it worked so well for everyone else who has done it


    2. Yeah, I heard that too... and that they are having the same problems with them. I think they have the wherewithal to smarten up and throw them out, myself...but time will tell...

  4. At some point the Japs were in the lead as far as service robots, don't know if that's still the case. I wish it were, though. When I'm old and feebly, I'd rather have some robot from Honda helping me take a bath rather than some big fat nigress from Jamaica or Haiti.

    1. Look how much fun you will have getting your pee pee wacked by one of those queens...

  5. I'd like to see one of these dainty little turlets handle one of my bowling pin monsters I can produce. Usually keep a yardstick or old broomhandle handy to whup it so it'll go down.
