Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Wow. I wish I could shoot like that, HAR HAR HAR!!! HAR HAR HAR!!! I hadn’t spied on Kim do Toit in a while so I just dropped in and found this. I have all the same reservations about these things that he does plus a few more. Emotion is a really, really difficult thing to quantify and compensate for. Error is going to be induced by my emotional response to the trickier questions, just as it is by the emotions of the guys that designed the test and weighted the scoring algorithm. An authoritarian will place stock in different variables than a libertarian might. At best, this thing is an arbitrary compass being used with an arbitrary map.

I still enjoy these things. But…I am absolutely shocked at how I score out. 15 years ago I’d a been far higher up, and much further to the right on there. What in hell happened to me? Who did this?!?! I used to regard centrists as gutless, gormless fence sitters. Grillers. Normies. Anything to the left of them was a designated target. Do you have time to take the test? Have you changed at all?

I suppose in my case, it makes sense. I got my first horse-sized red pill suppositories when my daughter came prancing out of the closet, announced she was queer… and ran away to be a clown in the circus. The authority figures in our families took umbrage when I opposed it, and I was exiled when I refused to tolerate, celebrate and cheer for my daughter’s perversion.

The next flurry of red pills came during the Covid Scam. I fired my family physician and called him a fraud to his face.  That thing should never have gotten off the ground had our authorities been actual experts and leaders. Clearly the grifters are in charge as are their miscellaneous fart catchers. Just so everyone knows… no, there will be no “Covid Amnesty.” You assholes tipped your hand, your mask slipped… and I have your number. Keep your hands where I can see ‘em. I will not be giving you the benefit of the doubt next time.

Then the Ukrainian flags came out when Vodka Man Bad suddenly flipped out, and for no reason whatsoever - decided to invade the Donbas. I was supposed to believe a plucky jewish Ukrainian leader was bravely standing up to the Russians. I was supposed to believe the Ukes could stand up to the Russians too. Now we have Turdo and Biden wiping their corn spackled arses on the law, sham trials jamming up Trump, and hacked elections for the Americans coming up. More painful red pill suppositories. Maybe all that explains my fall away from far right authoritarianism? There simply is no authority left! Anybody that plays by the rules is a sucker. In the Kraine it will get you killed. It’ll be like that here soon too. How many hundreds of thousands will die here? For nothing? In the Kraine they’re up to half a million dead and a million hopelessly wounded. No end is in sight either. You can’t see these things and not be changed by them…in ways we don’t even notice…

According to the scale I’ve moved far to the left. What’s going on with that? Maybe it’s watching vulture capitalists gut the middle class? Up here in Canada I’ve watched homes become unaffordable, taxes soar, inflation is gutting the currency, blah blah blah. I worked half my life for employers that could only be described as predatory and abusive. It paid well, but it was hard on the ego. But…ugh! Moving to the left? I’da thunk I’d move further to the right…? In point of fact these pirate corporations teamed up with the liberals. The Usual Suspects would still certainly label me as “far right”…🥴

Graphs are good for mapping out vectors too. Those, however, are best graphed in three dimensions with x, y and z axes. Obviously my political and philosophical soul is on the move. I wonder where it will end? Is there any room to move anymore? I can’t see myself moving further left… and I’ve always held libertarians in contempt. Sure, the real ones aren’t bad…but most libertarians today are pot heads and/or queers and are not serious people.

Is your soul on the move? Is it moving in directions you never would have thought possible…?


  1. My fine feathered friend- you knocked it out of the park with this one. I agree with all. Go have a long discussion with the niglet and you'll feel relief. I always do.

    1. Yep. Dawgs make more sense than people these days…

  2. Fascism is collectivism with a veneer of Private ownership. The more power a government has to regulate an economy the more private individual have to lobby just to prevent being regulated out of existence ( he who can destroy a thing, controls a thing) But as long as you are paying all of that money just to survive, why not buy few favors while you are at it. Next thing you know regulations favor big players ( who can afford compliance) and kill smaller competitors dead. The big get bigger. In the end you have 3-4 big corporation controlling entire segments. But follow the money. The money is still paid to the politicians. The politicians ask you to spy for them, to censor certain information, to push a particular drug, celebrate rainbows and create leftist propaganda with your family friendly brand - even though it destroys your business - you do it, lest they decide to "regulate" you i spite of your lobbying. The corporations are not calling the shots.

  3. Watch for strange disappearances of visi vested clipboard carriers and those next on the chain of command! I have my list up to date, do you?

    Chutes Magoo

  4. S**t Glen, you and I came out all most exactly the same! Maybe we're related in some fashion?

    1. It’s always possible… do you walk on your knuckles and fart a lot…? 😂

  5. I too got the same exact end result, as did the wife and the two kids who did it. That is statistically as likely as a huge 3am jump in ballots...


    1. Agreed. Wouldn’t be surprised if the test only has a limited set of conclusions.

  6. I'm one grid point higher and 1.5 grid points to the right, but near enough as to be in the same ballpark with you too. And I answered quite a few with strongly agree or strongly disagree too.

    They do these types of surveys at work too. The strongly disagree, disagree, neither, agree and strongly agree answers. Surprise, surprise, surprise, in my Best Gomer Pyle voice. Most people end up in the mushy middle and the survey results are mostly useless, except by management which takes a Rorschach ink blot look at the results and declares success.

    In this day and age, everything is fake and gay. I trust neither govt, nor corporation, nor my fellow man any further than I can spit and sometimes not even that much. I guess those of us who just want to be left alone usually hit center on these charts.
