Thursday, May 30, 2024


The other day I ran across an interesting OyTube channel on Russian small arms. So far I remain unimpressed. Remember - I speak only as a gun clubbing stubfart Fudd: I need rifles to put other geezers on the run at the target range, and maybe bag a coyote or a deer. The elite war fighter, on the other hand - has to respect anything the bad guys have that can kill him. They might see this beast quite differently.

Hrrrrrrmmm. So… a .50 cal boolit, maybe 250~350gr…on a cartridge with the capacity of roughly the 7.62 NATO round. Very interesting, eh? I haven’t done any study or fact checking yet, but if I had to shoot my face off now…I’d say that ballistically … this thing might be a half step ahead of the 458 SOCOM? Recoil doesn’t look unreasonable either. It will hit like a ton of bricks.

The only beef I see with it is the high mount scope. For the best accuracy you need to get a good cheek weld on the buttstock and you can’t do that with the scope on top of the carry handle.

The Russians have been using the same tried and tested small weapons since the late 40s. And why not? They work, and work well. I dunno if I can see this thing being a huge improvement on existing hardware but whadda I know? Is Crazy Ivan going to update his inventory?


  1. Nice cartridge, sounds versatile and usefull. I wonder how much boost it would get from a 16" barrel. 50x55, should be a great AR set up. All ya need is another upper.

    1. Hrrrmmmmm… how long is the barrel? Remember…it’s a bull pup. It’d have to be at least 16” long to get a proper powder burn, wouldn’t it? I didn’t see any real muzzle blast…but that doesn’t really mean much if they’re doing subsonics, does it?

  2. Looks a little bigger than the .50 Beowulf and LW .499 with better bullet options. Not sure what the ballistics would be on such a short barrel, but I like short if youre using a suppressor. All things condidered the high mount makes for heads "tactical" shooting maybe a little better, the range is so short height over bore wouldnt be an issue. Muh, would have to shoot it and see.

    In a similar vain of weird projects, I made a 7.5", 350 legend upper direct impingement with a pig-tail gas tube to correct the timing issues that were causing cycling problems. It fires a 255g subsonic JHP. It hits hard, with no recoil. Other available rounds go from 145FMJ to 150, 170 and 180 hunting rounds. Why you ask? I Had stuff laying around and just because, maybe I'll use it on hogs with a can. Its a fun round, the ruger american shoots the 350 legend well, its a small, light rifle, not much recoil even with the super-sonic loads (35 cal, my favorite) good for deer, hogs, black bear. Im having fun with it. Plus it has more punch than my 357 magnum ruger 77 I used to hunt deer with.

    1. All good points, A. But… would this cartridge work on the AR15 platform, or would you go to the AR10 with it? I’d sure like to see you or one of our guys do a range report on it.

  3. Is this perhaps because of the proliferation of body armour?


  4. I am just gonna say “Natasha” is easy on the eyes.
