Friday, May 31, 2024

Oh, that’s cute. 

Hmppppffffffff!  Well it wasn’t like no one didn’t see that one coming. I dunno what to make of it. Reaction is all over the place. Folks are sticking their heads in the sand, shrugging it off as the usual kabuki theatre. Others are huffing and puffing and spitting nails and making empty threats and raging. A few exceptionally dedicated retards are just peachy with the scam that flushed the credibility of your courts down the crapper. They’re too dumb to realize that a corrupt court can be turned on them too..

It’s like that here in Canada as well. Justin Trudeau should have been up on charges and at least removed from office half dozen times in the last couple years. But the courts and the cops are in it with him. If he were to go down half of them would too.

We are watching history unfold. When your courts get that bad…a line has been crossed. The people doing this are going to cross more lines. It’s what they do, and if they aren’t stopped and things go badly…you can get everything from purges, genocides and ethnic cleansing on down. That’s how these guys roll. If they build up enough steam they can (and have) killed millions. There’s an old nickel that says people get the kind of govts they want and deserve. I guess the ball is in your court. Do you want and deserve a system where corrupt New York judges decide who and who can’t be presidential candidates? Who can tell you what you can think or say or read?

Maybe they’re not a clear and present danger now…but they’re going to be soon

Best of luck to ya, Yanks.


  1. I told wife yesterday that the Trump situation drove a fatal stake in the heart of the U.S. it is an evil manifestation of the jackasses jerking the levers. We all know if he is put in jail, he'll be deader than Kelsey's nuts.

    1. Well of course. If you haven’t started an accountability list… now’s the time…

  2. Looks like Mo, Larry, Curly in no particular order. Sadly, this country of people is not hungry enough to do a gawd damn thing! People can prep & write about it. Jim Jordan can write letters and scream about it, but nothing and I mean nothing will be done about DJT or the individuals before him. Pelosi's lover, 30 years in jail, J6 people 6-18 years, better hope Julian Assange doesn't step foot in this country-that may be another Epstein moment and the list goes on and on. This goes back for decades. Think Chappaquiddick Island, USS Liberty...These corrupt blowhards go into office with a 6-figure income and retire as multi, multi-millionaires while the middle class keeps jugging away at their jobs paying the taxes so the poor lower class saps can continue collecting unemployment while doing better than the law-abiding citizen. Happy Friday!!!

    1. Agreed.

      I may be wrong… but I see a power vacuum forming. These guys are all clowns and they’ll be swept aside like nothing when the real power brokers have to step in. If I don’t miss my guess we will see a strong man rise soon.

  3. I fully expect the Halfrican, Bushie and Hound dawg Bill to start campaigning for half-a-cadaver Joe any day now...
    - WDS

  4. Will the normies wake up? No, they won't. And if you don't already have a list of locals that will need to be dealt with, you're not going to make it.
    I don't think there will be an election this year; a crisis will give them a reason to suspend/postpone it indefinitely. They will do anything to cement their power for good.
    On the global front, however, they're fucked. The rest of the world is quickly and quietly distancing themselves from the U.S. in all manner of things, predominantly the dollar, but also with trade and alliances outside the sphere of western influence.
    What a time to be alive.

  5. Most of the commies trying to get Trump have been Jews and blacks. Funny, that.

  6. Dear God Please! Guantanamo and then the Gallows for those MFRs

  7. Fairest justice system in the world? Don't make me laugh. It's been political for a looonggg time, and even when it isn't, if you don't have money you're fucked.

  8. What I'm honestly afraid of is that Trump will win the next election. The results will be challenged by the moonbats for his first year in office. Then, when the moonbats fail, Trump will end his term like JFK ended his.

    The Democrats won't tolerate Trump. Their real problem is that they'll get caught, and when that happens the gloves will come off.

  9. Heluva co-inky-dink here, Sir Glen, but I just got a 16" pig sticker fer my new plaything. Just gotta make 1 piece outta the couple dozen or so on the bench (still cleaning) before I can try the fit! She be lookin good, and will fill the bill quite well, methinks!! Dam near wore out the camera over the last few daze.

    Y'all take care,
    Mike in FLA.
