Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sit Down And Shut Up You Old Fart!!!


Well I guess Robert put on his big boy pants and sounded the alarm.
If you Yanks don’t succeed in jamming up Orange Man Bad with a sham trial and kangaroo 
court… the fate of the country is sealed…and possibly that of the free world too…

These noble liberals clearly must destroy democracy to save it…πŸ˜‚

Of course the stupid old bastard was hushed up and run off before he could start a riot. It’s going to be something for you Yanks to be aware of. The election spaces in your country are going to be stupid places, crammed to the rafters with stupid people. Most will be harmless retards like Robert.. but…. I wouldn’t be surprised if there aren’t a few pre-engineered tragedies being planned as we speak. I would not want to be in those places without the means to protect myself.

Can you even do that? Carry while voating? If I were a Yank I dunno if I’d even care at this point. Fags like De Niro are ginning the libtards up for violence by making stupid, provocative accusations. Yah might wanna deal with your cartridge box before stepping up to the ballot box this year - if ya get my drift.


  1. They have some PEDO shit on Robert DePedo. No doubt about it!

    1. I bet you're right.

    2. I’ll bet with you guys as well. When the queers were let out and mainstreamed, you had to know the pedos would be next…

  2. Did Lil' Bobby have his lift shoes on?
    Raging Geriatric cocksuckers like him and arbeit macht fweedom fwies poseur Springsteen can fuck right off.
    Johnny Cougar Mellonballs can eat shit too.
    We will ever be free of the curse of Yankee Puritan virtue signal cocksuckers?

    1. With you 100%. F Those MFR pussies. Spiro

  3. As to yer question, Glen - we can't *legally* carry here (FLA.) in a polling place. However......... Especially for this election, wouldn't be too dam smart to be un - heeled, IMHO. The cray - cray is only gonna get worse, the closer we get to vote time. No telling how bad it'll be by then (if'n we even get that far). I think that 'Johnny Rebel' above has the correct idea.

    Y'all take care & stay livin,
    Mike in FLA.

  4. Filthy, I have my doubts about a free election in the US or here. The heavy rains this year have put a damper on turdeaus groupies going around and starting fires like last year but thats just a short term relieve



  6. New York Post "Late edition" had DeNiro's image with the words:

    "Raging Bullsh*t"

    And they were 100% accurite.

    - WDS

  7. I think I saw a "Silver Alert" out for De Zero a couple of days ago... I guess they found him...

    1. How old is he at this point? 90???


  8. Ha Ha Ha F Robert DePedo

    Such and excellent meme!
