Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Shut Up And Take WL’s Money…

 I shouldn’t toot my own horn by bragging about my position of Senior Equipment Coordinator for WL Emery’s world famous African Excursion & Safari team. We’re all on Thompson sub machine guns now with Colt 1911 sidearms - and the faggots at the National Geographic can kiss my arse! HAR HAR HAR!!!


But…WL needs new gats too! He’s been shooting those frumpy old Rigby’s and H&H cannons forever. Here we see a rather new take on the gunmaker’s art! How about a “double rising block rifle” in .500 Nitro Express? 

I wonder what it costs? 

The barrels seem to ride upward in a kind of ‘reverse falling block way’… rather than breaking like traditional hinged double rifles do. 

I’ve never seen a rifle action like this before. If you were going to Africa to hunt man eating alligators, rhinos, Cape buffalo and other dangerous game… would you potentially trust your life to this new fangled rifle?  

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