Friday, February 7, 2025

We Are ALL Negroes Now


 Yo yo yo!!!! Mah nigga - Matt Bracken at Blab - does hisself a maffimatical study and sheeit on crim'nil statistics!!! 

Cederq! Where you ass at??? You shid be up dere too!!! 


  1. Cotdam! Whar deez fellas beez goan on day vaykayshuns? Days beez awe tanned an lukin guud! Ahz needz me summa dat cuz we doan beez seein duh sun ad awe upheah inna norf po…..

  2. Even with all the social engineering. All their massaged data. 19% of the population still commit 60% of the crime. Although the criminal aliens are quickly closing the gap in percent and crime.

  3. Yep, dere be a patnr an shiite

  4. Still not as bad as the entire worlds problem Nigs

    Netanyahu Suggests Palestinians Can Have A State In Saudi Arabia\
    BB absolutely glowing from all the US provided rimjobs.

    From the inception british government and their Balfour Declaration.
    I don't think they have any moral authority to tell people where they need to move. Interesting to note this was in 1917; quite a ways from WW2. So the whole "Hcaust was the reason they needed a home" is pure BS. This was signed long before that.
    Balfour Declaration 1917 | The Foundation Stone of Israel
    It’s been said that Rothschild and the other European banking families financed Hitler and the Third Reich.  Everything about how Germany went from the hyper inflationary bankruptcy of the post-WWI Weimar Republic to suddenly being rich and having all this money for the giant infrastructure projects and Nazi war machine?  Where did the money come from?  I think the top caste of the synagogue of satan paid Hitler to kill millions of their own people in order to pave the way for Rothschild Isntreal and to set the stage for the biblical End Times, for everything that's happening today.
    You need only to observe that because they own all the central banks and monetary systems in the Western world with their worthless paper debt notes backed by nothing.
    There is simply no one else who could've provided the (Choo) money to Adolph.

    This link is handy because of the information coming out about Ukraine and Choos plans for that. Be sure not to skip this one if you have an interest in this subject. Looks like SOS Choos are clearing out the people so it is ready to just move in. Won’t real Ukrainians and Russians alike be extremely upset when they find out the real plans for the area? Notice the similarities in the flags as well.
    Ukraine as ‘Big Israel’ and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project

  5. Not me, I don't have enough melanin as it is, being a red head...

  6. I'm so superior Aryan, that after working outside my whole life (74) the VA is cutting and/or freezing precancerous bits off me every year on my auto scheduled dermatology appointments. I think So. Cal. had something to do with it. Come visit Sunny Southern California, Spend Money, Go Home!
