Friday, February 7, 2025

Stubfart Supercriminal

Y’know, up here in shitlib Canada where crime is up something like 300%, drugs are legal, the cops can’t shoot… and even if they could they can’t arrest ya… (see our Mounties in the poast below this one)… maybe I’m looking at things the wrong way? Maybe I should take up a life of crime? Poor JL would just have to just suck on it because nobody goes to jail in Canada anymore. It’s against the law! 


The hell of it is that most of our hardened criminals up here are morons. (Much like our leaders - but I digress). What this country needs is some seriously intelligent, organized crime! Run by men with triple digit IQs, doing serious business! Guys like me!!!

I better get cracking! The liberals won’t be in power forever, and it’s all over if Blumpf and his eeeevil American cronies walk in and take over…

1 comment:

  1. Ya, but you better not get found with an un-pinned mag in your possesh and transporting one of the newly minted bad guns to your fave shootin spot or you'll do five hard! As far as the popo not able to shoot, it just applies to non-Whites, if you are unfortunate to be White in their crosshairs its open season! Freedom Convoy protest bad...all other violent destructive gatherings, and the pork bring out the Timbits and cofefve on silver's fucking shameful!

    Chutes Magoo
