Friday, February 7, 2025

Reason Number 24


"Why are these women walking away from long-term relationships? The reasons might surprise you. From newfound independence to unmet emotional needs, women are realizing it’s never too late to seek happiness."

Sure seems to be a lot of deeply unhappy old women around these days, eh? I know I personally will be cut loose if my wife were ever to regain her sense of sight and smell, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!

Unquestionably, were she to do so, we'd almost certainly come to blows because she wouldn't be able to appreciate my sophisticated tastes and eclectic ideas about fine dining and table fare.

A Scintillating Stubfart Soiree!

Imagine an elegant cut crystal cornucopia 
of pickled eggs n' sausages.


Follow that up with a shot of first class whisky and reasonably priced cigar! 

Do such women ever find the happiness they seek? 


  1. My wife MIGHT be loving me after...well, since '76, however long that is, but wudda I know? ... I know some shit about guns!

  2. Women want fried ice, and somehow never get it.

  3. The Arabs are correct about one thing - women have no honor. They are incapable of comprehending the very concept.

  4. The women are leaving and the men are all like, Good, finally some peace and quiet.

  5. Damn, really? I got the only one? Mine has at LEAST as much honor as any man I've met. She's got balls too, she faced down 2 would be thugs in a parking lot by faking them out with a fictitious hidden gun and a pit bull attitude. That was around '95, she's a keeper. We now joke about the "keeper" part, BECAUSE it would take too long to train another one.
