Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Humpday Honeywagon

Long ago when I was just a li’l Filthie… the last of The Great Trades was fading into history. Like the old time buffalo hunters, or the long-obsolete spittoon cleaners… the Honey Wagoneers were on their last rounds. Their glory days were just about over.

In the good ol days, when the basement under the out house filled up…you called the Honey Wagon. The Honey Wagon was essentially a big sucker truck and carried a crew of two. A driver… and the intrepid Suckerman. They’d pull up to ya outhouse, the Suckerman would get out and spool out a long hose. Clad in a precursor to the modern space suit… the Suckerman would take the hose into the crapper, and the driver would activate the vacuum on the truck… and in no time flat - your out house would be sucked out clean and ready for use again! These men were the unsung heroes of their day. The honey wagon and the Suckerman stunk to high heaven and legend had it that the abominable stench was so bad that you could smell them before you actually saw them coming. But sadly times were changing, and outdoor plumbing was becoming a thing of the past.

It is in the brave spirit of the Suckerman that I clean my cyber-crapper in much the same way. A lot of unused memes and rude jokes have been petrifying and putrefying in the pit beneath my blog - and it is time to suck them out, examine them one by one - and ship them off to be disposed of, as far downwind as possible. 

In better times, when we were better people… I’d like to think I’d have made a good Suckerman. Alas, I was born too late to walk and work with the greats.

Gabbagabbaweebeejabba everyone!!!

Rude jokes at my expense will NOT be tolerated!!! If you don’t want to 
taste the wrath of my NERF nanchuks - you’ll watch your bloody gob!!!

Yeah? Jack and I woulda had him on the grill - and that goes for
Sigourney’s aliens and Arnold’s predator too!

Scots, retards and jews need not reply…

Her looks will often do the trick too…


Smegma of the sisterhood…

That was me the other day. I was on the throne, scrolling the blogs…
and BCE - that fat little shit - called me a boomerfag!!!

I got so damned mad I couldn’t shit!

Cederq is one of the great mathematicians of our time…

I’m told this is a euphemism for something else.
Can’t imagine what, though…

You’ll want to wait until I run out of ammo
before making any arrests, JL.

I might need a spittoon for the Reclusium…

Early Cromagnon proto-disco…?

I have no idea what this thing is or does. Any old hands 
that can help out would be appreciated.
I think I remember seeing something similar in my
Grandma’s house when I was a tot…?

Ughhhh. I know what it is. 
It was one of my most hated classes in elementary school.

JL and his wife…

I wouldn’t trust any of ‘em with a mop or a rake.
They should be deported too…

This is a sport we need to bring back…

Some of ‘em, maybe.
Filthie, General Aesop, Pete and Budd are screwed though.

Every. Single. Time.
I ask you in all seriousness: what about all
the GOOD things Adolf Hitler did?!?!

 Ya knew the Suckerman was done his job when the vacuum hose started making hollow, empty slurping sounds - like the kid that’s finished the last of his Slurpee. The show was over. So it is for me today - with no shits left with which to give. Stay tooned though! This outhouse of the internet will fill again! And again and again and again and again. And when it does , your Friendly Neighbourhood Boomerfag Yesterday Man will be here again to save the day!

Thanks for dropping by.



  1. From Wikipedia: Tarlton used equipment manufactured by a new company, Jerrold Electronics. After seeing the success of the Tarlton system in 1950, Jerrold president (and future Pennsylvania governor) Milton Shapp reorganized his company to build equipment for the now-growing cable industry. In 1952, Tarlton went to work for Jerrold, helping to construct most of the major systems built by that company in the 1950s. Tarlton was also responsible for training many of the major operators of cable systems in the 1950s. In 2003, Tarlton was inducted in the Cable Television Hall of Fame for his work building the first widely publicized cable television company in America.[11]

    1. You can know it was "TV" related, because the top row of numbers started with '2' and ended with '13'

  2. I would assume the Jerrold electronics was a cable TV channel changer prior to having multiple remotes, but we was too poor to have cable so I'm just guessing. The chalk thing was for music class if I remember correctly. We had to learn to square dance. Hated it. Like the old joke, there was dancing, singing, holding hands, kissing. It was so much fun that next time we're going to invite girls.

    1. Yup, the wheel on the right accessed each row of channels. I recall having to discreetly move the wheel down up when my parents got home early to move it off Quebec nudie channel we could access here in the Northeast. Good times.

  3. You're a good meemer Chatley Brown!

  4. I remember music class well. One day on the recorder, one day with a trumpet and finally one with a violin. I was soon in "pottery" class. I guess my teachers could easily see a lack of musical talent. Even 55 years later the only musical instrument I can play is the radio.

    1. Same here. I have a tin ear…

      I don’t get the musician’s mind. At all. Making music is not something I could ever see as fun.

  5. Suckerman is alive and well out here in the country. We still need him to empty the septic tank every three years or so.


  6. Another Nutcase: Unhinged Lesbian Lawmaker Tells Dems at Anti-Musk Rally
    to “Get in Touch with Your Scrappy Little Dyke” Both a deviant and low IQ too!

  7. What DeepSeek Says About (Nudleman) Nuland Kagan’s Role In Ukraine War
    Another dual citizen traitor.

  8. That thing was our first Cable TV controller. 36 channels (Well, 34 because we only got Showtime instead of HBO or Skinemax). The other thing was used to write a music staff across the blackboard IF the chalk was aligned properly.
