Tuesday, February 4, 2025

This Is Why You Home School


Hear those cackling hens? All the fake outrage? When stuff like that happens, someone needs tonwade into those harridans and harpies with a baseball bat and a cattle prod.  


  1. Valid question remains, despite the hand waving. Why didn’t he stay in Mexico instead of inflicting that on him ?????

  2. S H E (?) needs to LEAVE, along with the Mexican.

  3. Listen to all that performative caring !!! I read the Fiamenco Files on SubStack this morning - I have NO DOUBTS that these shrieking harpies would have been the same ones handing out white feathers to underage boys in WW1 & 11 to guilt them into enlisting and being maimed or killed. Such loving and caring people aren’t they?

  4. The Truth is a bitch.
    No excuse for the kid getting bullied, but no excuse for the guy being in the US illegally, either.

    1. All kids get bullied. Most of them deserve it.

  5. In the Trades, assholes never got bullied, only the cool kids.
