Sunday, December 22, 2024

Make Yer Mistake, Don…


I know it’s all a big joke… but Turdo La Doo actually hit the nail right on the head when he replied to Blumpf’s jibe when he said, “Canada would be one very liberal state!”

He’s absolutely right too. We periodically voat for human trash, people running on platforms and agendas  that are painfully obviously flawed. We voat for perverts, degenerates and morons. Right now if we resembled any state in the US… it would be California. The Brits are easily just as bad or worse! 

It is a truism that people get the govts they want and deserve. Right now, Smol PP (likely our next conservative PM) points out our main problems: runaway crime and inflation, housing shortages, and long lines of people at the food banks and on welfare. Welp… Canadians deserve it all! Every single bit! You get what you vote for and tolerate… and… yeah…Britain? 

None of us are going to voat our way out of what we’ve done to ourselves.


  1. Hey now, The 51st State wasn't a bad movie from what I remember from 15+ years back. Samuel L. Jackson as a narco producer/dealer and I think the guy from 28 Days Later as some small-time crook working with him, shenanigans abound.
    It was a decent flick; a relic of the time before Hollywouldn't decided to produce nothing but artistic renditions of Goatse.

    1. Never saw it PP. Partly because I hate Sam Jackson with a passion - he always stars as the self righteous perfect hero... while acting like a two bit pavement ape right out of the hood that does drugs and commits violent crimes...

  2. Problem in Canada, particularly where I live, no one is really suffering. I read alot of squidge about how tough it is here, but that's mostly bull. Until people are truly suffering; losing their homes, massively unemployed, being arrested for memes, standing in lines to get food, nothing will change here. The real revolutionaries in Canada used to be the French, who would fight for their rights. Now they've turned into big left wing pussies, along with most of Canadians. Too trusting of government.

  3. I stopped vooting years ago as I realized the thing is rigged. The Choads telling me I can't complain if I don't voot can eat the predigested peanuts from my morning what point has anything become better for them by casting their ballot? Confronted with this fact and my scowl, they STFU, and bury themselves in their various addictions!

    Chutes Magoo
