I know it’s all a big joke… but Turdo La Doo actually hit the nail right on the head when he replied to Blumpf’s jibe when he said, “Canada would be one very liberal state!”
He’s absolutely right too. We periodically voat for human trash, people running on platforms and agendas that are painfully obviously flawed. We voat for perverts, degenerates and morons. Right now if we resembled any state in the US… it would be California. The Brits are easily just as bad or worse!
It is a truism that people get the govts they want and deserve. Right now, Smol PP (likely our next conservative PM) points out our main problems: runaway crime and inflation, housing shortages, and long lines of people at the food banks and on welfare. Welp… Canadians deserve it all! Every single bit! You get what you vote for and tolerate… and… yeah…Britain?
None of us are going to voat our way out of what we’ve done to ourselves.
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