Sunday, December 15, 2024



  1. my grandma had a wood cook stove. not as fancy as that one.
    in her "summer kitchen" used it for canning and cooking.
    granddad built the old house right. one kitchen for winter and all round use and a summer one with 9-10 foot ceilings and vents at the top and bottom for air flow. big screen windows and view of the back garden. funny, I remember her cooking from the old wood stove the best. but then again we went down most of the time in summer and only twice in winter.
    seem like the food she cooked on her "old" stove just tasted better. pan fried rabbit , green beans with mashed taters .plus fresh cornbread is the meal I remember the best.
    funny, I can close my eyes and still remember the smells and that was a very long time ago now.

    1. Yeah they used to build houses differently back then. I can see the need for two kitchens back in the days of women’s work. The ladies would need the best work spaces and tools the same way a first class trades or craftsman would…

  2. Amazingly functional and a "work of art!" Our forebears were truly skillful and appreciated the beauty of the "practical." Wish I had the room for some thing like that.

  3. We have a 'Comstock Castle' 1905 beauty in our kitchen. Don't use it much anymore (mostly to warm the place up in winter if it gets really cold) but we have cooked on it in the past. A great back up for when the Ruskys drop the big one and power goes out (that's supposed to be a little joke - sort of).....

    1. Snerk!

      Yup. Nowadays the stupids are trying their damnedest to start the Cold War back up…

  4. That is beautiful. And I wonder if there are even craftsmen around who could produce one like that today. When i think of the knowledge of the Old Ways that has been lost in this mists, i grieve.

    1. Not only building the oven, but also the knowledge to use it.

    2. Yes! You’d have to be a sorcerer to actually control the heat with any precision…

  5. Not only the special stove, but what about the learned skills required to use it.
