Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sunday Silly Symposium: Current Events - Women’s Issues


Stubfart intellectual and academic - Eaton Rapids Joe - struggles to make sense of the modern shitlib woman and her motivations. I poop my pants in the comments with an alternate theory. Both of us are plausible; we both could be full a beans. I haven't given it much thought - ten years ago I resolved to remove contentious and crazy women from my life and I got rid of most of 'em - there's only one or two on the very outskirts of my airspace and I am more than happy to keep them there.  It always seems to be the same ultimatums with these bitchy harridans too: “do what I want or I’ll do something to hurt myself.”

Voat the right way or your woman will shave her head, destroy her marriage and attack family members she disagrees with. Or she’ll run away to hang out with emotional and intellectual derelicts that are also at war with their families. Most of it is just the usual shrill histrionics we’ve come to expect from shitty liberal women. Serious womenfolk don5 behave this way. I note without comment, and with wry amusement - that Whoopi Goldberg is apparently now on the abstinence train.


In pitching my theory to Joe and the intellectuals referenced this scholarly treatise on the female thought process that brought us to our current position.

Watch this again. The first time I saw it was 20+ years ago.
And I laughed.

I’m not laughing now.

Consider the discussion about a gold based currency. Think about it. This, in a nutshell, is how many women think. Yet we know for a fact that all fiat currency fails. Countries that fuck around with currency manipulation inevitably find out. Every single fiat currency has inevitably failed. It shouldn’t even be a question in an intelligent conversation.

Look at the other female driven lunacy of our day: the abortion issue, the earth worship/environmental scam, the Covid vaccine scam, the gay/pervert agendas, the impending financial crises, now lunatic politics. Could it be that our women are being driven nuts by being educated beyond their intellects?

On what planet are women that look like this to be taken seriously?  Yet our universities crank them out like sausages. Women are cutting off their tits and growing beards these days. Could it be that they are distraction for something else?

I feel another Current Thing coming on….

Have a great Sunday and thanks for dropping in.



  1. Thanks for the rhetorical question, to make the folks think. We all know, it was the Commiejooz over a hunert years ago, women's rights, promiscuity, unions, more stuff, you know.


  2. I ain't no wimmin but I know that even currency's minted in gold have failed. All currency eventually fails eventually; find the exception. That's because the currency is only as valuable as the reputation of the country that backs it. Gold is just a commodity, not a currency. Spain looted tons of gold from the new world and their great empire failed decades after.

    The great American scientist philosopher Buckmisister Fuller proposed a theory that all global currency should be backed by ENERGY because energy is the master commodity; without energy nothing is produced and everything fails. That might just work; can't be gamed - that's why no gov will propose it.

  3. The juice ain't worth the squeeze.

  4. Believe it or not, the US Constitution demands a gold and silver backed currency. The government and the courts simply ignore that part. Just like they ignore the part that says the FedGov is required to protect the States from invasion.
