Sunday, November 17, 2024

Ya Bitchy? Ya Want Me To Make Ya A Sammich?

 It’s an oft repeated truism that the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach. I know I will bend over and grab my ankles in exchange for a proper submarine sammich it works on me. But! Will the same approach work on women?

I’ve seen similar situations handled with chocolate. When my wife sees the skid marks on the drapes or I chit my pants, and pointing at the dawg doesn’t work - I’ve averted certain domestic violence and justifiable homo-cide atonements and offerings of coffee with lots of cinnamon and foofaraws added.

Controversial new research suggests that the raging she-beast can be pacified with crappy food too.

The usual weasel words are in effect, men: use this info at your own risk and peril.


  1. I can say cooking a broad a good meal has gotten me laid quite a few times but it's never got me out of trouble with one that was pissed off at me. Depending on how you look at the first point, you could argue it's got me INTO trouble more than anything else.

    1. I agree with JL.
      Lots of girls came to my apartment in college because i could cook. I've made the wife happy by making her a good meal but never made her stop being mad that way

