Friday, November 1, 2024

Halloween After Action Report

6 kids. That’s it. 

When I get up in a couple hours I am NOT eatin the left over candy. No!!! I will make some delicious veggies and I’m back on my exercise/diet regimen. I shouldn’t say “diet”. Diets are temporary things; this is the way I live now. I broke the 20 lb barrier yesterday. Mind you we’d finished a 3 hour hike and I was sweating like a horse. I had to sprint the last klick because I had the gut rumbles. Whe I got home I scampered into the crapper and dropped a 40 lb. deuce… but I’m still going to take it as a win.

The times are changing, eh? And as usual I am left behind, wondering what in hell happened. Kids aren’t going out anymore. The wife was frumping about how Halloween is no longer about little kids dressed up as pirates, indians, animals or superheroes. It used to be comical depictions of black cats, jack-o’-lanterns, and spooks. The wife says that it’s turned toward the satanic and maybe she’s right about that? A lot of folks put a lot of time into their displays and some were so gruesome that they scared the chit out of my poor little pup when we were out on walks. These were not cartoonish happy spirits of my childhood…there was a lot of depictions of menacing demonic creatures about. At first I thought it was great but … on our last 9 miler we came across one where severed heads were hanging from the tree on hooks. It almost disturbed me to look it. Could you imagine looking at some of this stuff as a four or five year old…? But whadda I know? 

Welp… no use going back to sleep. Chutes or Mike will be along any minute to put a Flaming Bag O Laffs on my front step and Cederq will be by to egg the Dawgmobile. I’ve got my trusty shotguns loaded with rock salt rounds and JL The Constable on speed dial, HAR HAR HAR! 

At least us big kids can still have some fun, maybe? πŸ˜‰πŸ‘


  1. WE had an ok turn-out, but still nothing compared to the pre-covid days. We live in a nicer sub-division and the single guy across the street from us goes all out, big time. Runs a haunted house, music, light show, actors (him and his kids), etc. So people bus in from other neighborhoods just to see his house. We get plenty of spill over. Well over $100 of candy gone in no time, had to close up shop early. But again, still nothing compared to 4 years ago.

    Also, rainy all day and still some drizzle. That really cut down on the slutty sisters strutting their stuff. I think I saw maybe one or two fetching outfits, otherwise it was mostly kids this year. We tend to get a lot of brown people - adults!! - coming thru begging for candy in the past. I guess covid cut that out, so that's one good thing.

    I really couldn't give a rat's ass about it anymore, but Halloween is the wife's favorite holiday so I gotta go along. Whatever keeps her happy I guess. Happy wife, happy life with no corresponding statement about keeping husband happy.

    1. Covid seems to be some demarcation line or something. A lot of white people went nuts and just stayed nuts. Some might have even gotten worse?

  2. A flaming bag-o-laughs with love. Congrats on your get in shape routine, I'm envious and, apparently, lazy (tired?). No, lazy.

  3. I had a nerdy kid. Then a Mom with two small kids. I thought that would be it, but then was visited by two packs of negritos traveling as a tribe. I called a lid after that.

    The dawgs do not like blaques. Funny thing, the mom with the kids was Mexican American. My doofus lab sat in the doorway smiling at the little ones through the glass door. With the black kids, he was standing, staring, and giving them the stink-eye.

    1. Our lab went apeshit everytime a pack if natives tried to get into the yard last night . We didn't do Halloween at all this year as last year we had 4 local kids and then swarms of native teens pissed off about only getting a single candy each. The local rez bussed them to our town.


    2. That’d definitely put a damper on the occasion. I don’t mind chinamen… but delinquent nogs and First Nation freeloaders? Eff them AND their spawn.

  4. A good diet is the one you can stick with for the duration. Why, oh why go back to a shit diet that makes you fat, foggy and sick? Just eat good healthy food every day.
    may you live a grand healthy life.

    1. I think people just give because it takes so long? Gawd… I still got 30 or 40 more pounds to go…😞
