Monday, October 7, 2024

Worse Than The Crapcopter Psyop

 I gave up on the Crapcopter debate largely because it isn’t one anymore. The average squaddie and the average Joe on the street thinks that small hobby drones can bust tanks, flatten neighborhoods, and chase squaddies around as they scream like little bitches and gobble in fright! It’s a fact now. Aerodynamics, science and truth be damned. I just sit back and shake my fuggin head. It’s ridiculous. I saw the same video “proof” that showed the Russians doing it to the Ukes, and then it was the Ukes doing it to the Russians. But perception is reality according to some folks. 

Another good one is going on up here in Canada. The gubbimint is taxing the economy to death with carbon taxes on fuel and other punitive taxes designed to “save the environMINT !!!”. It’s crazy - Jasper National Park burned down, and it’s all because of climate change!!!!” according to our faggot faced prime minister. Nobody knows where the tax money they stole goes, there’s no proof whatsoever that climate is being affected or changed by their idiot policies, everyone knows most of the tax money collected is being stolen…but no one thinks for a second that old growth forests are designed by God and Mother Nature to be tinder boxes. Those forests are supposed to burn. That is how they rejuvenate themselves. Well over 1/3 of Canadians think we all have to give the govt all our money or the forests will burn and be gone forever. It’s a fact! As Fat Al Gore’s groupies put it… “the science is settled”.

Aaaaaaand now…hurricanes are the product of global climate change. And morons that get around in private jets, and live in mansions living a lifestyle that leaves the carbon footprint of a small town… are telling you to live like a 13th century peasant. Live in pods, eat bugs, own nothing - and be happy. At the other end of the scale, they’re saying the eeeeeeeevil govt is creating murderous storms to kill voaters they don’t like. “Funny how these disasters all crop up during an election,” they conspire. FFS - then have your elections during a different season you arseholes! Sorry, but - that region of the world sits smack dab in the middle of a zone where hot, humid water meets cold, dry air. Of course you’re going to see all kinds of meteorological malicious mayhem there! It’s a fact of life just like old growth forests being susceptible to fire.

Ughhh… I think I’ll sit this out on the sidelines. 

1 comment:

  1. You really should embrace your inner conspiracy self. Weaponized weather is a tool (for sustainable environMINT). We used it in WWll, it worked well for Viet Nam and it's about perfected these days. Don't put on your Overton Window, normalcy bias hat for weather modification. (((THEY))) even admit it these days, goes by the name of Geo Engineering.
