Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Filthie Fact Checker: Narratives VS FACT

 One a the things black supremists and their liberal fart catchers like to do is re-invent history. Did you know that in addition to being a homo and a communist... Jesus Christ was black? It just HAS to be true!!! All of Egypt's most powerful and resplendent pharaohs were black, dontchya know. Did you know that NASA couldn't have gone to the moon without the super smart African American ladies in the basement doing all the difficult mathematics for them? It's true! All ya gotta do is watch "Hidden Figures" 

So there ya go, bigots. PROOF that space travel - in its infancy - was founded in diversity!

Being a shameless and unrepentant free-thinker and of higher intellect than the average bear...I decided to start fact checking the democrat/media complex to discover the REAL truth of African American contributions to the space program.

I hereby relinquish my tin foil hat, my Conspiracy Theory slide whistle and decoder ring - and recant all my former racist poasts. As it turns out - after careful analysis and objective study... it seems that blacks are intellectually more advanced than whites, and that they did indeed lead America on its first steps into space.

Don't let poor Arthur Sido see this, lest be commit suicide...

1 comment:

  1. They just want to hide that it was literal Nazis that did the heavy lifting.
