Monday, September 30, 2024

The Filthie Philosopher-King

As your much-loved tyrant Roman Emporer - Cassus Filthicus - I realize that if I don’t pull up my socks and get cracking… my place in the history books will be taken by fags like Marcus Aurelius, Tacitus, and Virgil. 

My grandmother - who was a fount of free advice - said, “Never offer free advice! A smart person doesn’t need it, and a fool will never take it!”

I therefore submit the following, for you to dismiss as common knowledge or ignore as you see fit!

And that’s how you became a lonely, wine guzzling
cunned stunt that lives with a cat…

I’d rather do it right the first time but that’s just me.
People usually don’t plan to fail - they fail to plan..

Ahhhhhhhh…… 🤤 


Yup. The queers, the commies, whores, fornicators, pornographers…


…and I have the shiner to prove it! 👍

That one might be food for  thought?

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