Sunday, September 29, 2024

Don’t Wear Orange Today

Political rant, obscenities and badness below the fold! But…  In Canada today, every mouth breathing shitlib retard will be wearing orange to remember all the poor native babbies that were mass MURDERED by catholic missionaries, pastors and nuns

In the real world… it didn’t happen. Canadian priests and nuns never mass murdered children, never will. This is a lie perpetrated by our faggot faced prime minister and his woke parliamentarians to score political points with cheap virtue signalling.

I dunno if it is still hate speech to deny the shitlib narrative… but No evidence was ever found, and several supposed mass graves turned out to be hoaxes. The shitlib media are still trying to push the narrative that white clerics mass murdered native kids in Canada; but hell’s bells - that’s the hate speech. Catholic clerics don’t do mass murders and anyone that says they do is either an idiot or a red nogger cashing in on fake white guilt.

Let’s have some truth around here: In 2016 Gerald Stanley came home to his farm in Saskatchewan to find  some juvenile delinquent First Nation fart knockers trying to steal his UTV. The little shits were drunk, they were armed, and they threatened the owner with weapons when he told them to leave his stuff alone and get off his property. The kids continued to try and make off with the Ute. He went in the house got a gun and things escalated when the little goblins still refused to back off. Gerald did the world a favour when he shot and killed Colton Boushie who had a rap sheet a mile long. 

In typical Canadian fashion, Gerald Stanley was taken to court and dragged through the judicial meat grinder for defending himself and his property. I think they ended up charging him with manslaughter 1?  They basically ruined his life. You want truth…? Welp…there ya go! You want reconciliation, you first nation fucktards? I got your reconciliation right here! 

*Filthie rattles his zipper* Fuck the natives.

On a serious note, I dunno what is to be done with those people. The church DID fail in its mandate to civilize native children. Most reservation kids today are still animals. Neoliberalism is threatening to ignite race tensions rather than settle them. It certainly won’t end well. Maybe the words of a former Albertan premiere might apply? 

“Shoot, shovel, and shut up!” 


But whadda I know?



1 comment:

  1. Rats of Hamlet all dancing to the music from (((The Grand Wurlitzer)))
