Thursday, September 5, 2024

Can’t Remember The Last Time I Was In A Book Store

20-plus-some-odd years ago, I actually spent real money and bought such a book written by that buggardly black baboon - Barkie Obutthole. I wanted to get some sense of the man based on his own words. All I ever saw him doing was reading off a teleprompter to that point. I wanted to give me a fair chance to impress me. The media was selling him as a chocolate Jesus that would unite us and finally bring about a utopia of hopey-changiness.

I got a few chapters in, to my credit. Of course, that monkey saw the world through the lens of race. It’s funny how that works, when I think about it. The Usual Suspects will hiss and screech about You-Know-Who, telling the Germans they were  supermen that deserved to rule the world… but when some coloured retard does it, they clap and cheer like barking seals. I felt stupider after reading that claptrap.

I can say, with some authority… that the people writing those books - in a real country - would be pushing mops, cleaning public chitters and shining shoes.

I ended up using Barkie’s Audacity Of Hope to start campfires.



  1. I loved my mother, but she was pretty hard left-leaning and we never did see politics the same way. After she passed away, I had to empty her house including her books, she had been a voracious life-long reader. But it was distasteful for me to say the least to pull that obama book out of her shelves, and also elizabeth warren's (the fake cherokee diversity hire) book etc. I took over a cubic yard's worth of books to the used book-seller in town and got a few $ for them. There were a lot of her books I chose not to keep.

    Tom from East Tennessee

    1. I hear ya Tom. My mom’s the same way, and a lunatic besides. They get it off the TV.

  2. Corporate book stores suck, that's why I go to used book places and yard sales. If I get an stinker it becomes an reactive target for pennies on the dollar!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. A much better book for you would be Ten Acres Enough by Edmund Morris. He uses the most poetic language to proclaim his fondness of manure. It's still in print after 150 years.

  4. Who reads this tripe? Id rather be forced to watch cancer patients die while my eyes are held open like clockwork orange guy

    1. Geriatrics for the most part will buy this crap. Or the odd naive centrist that wants to give these people a fair shake before writing them off as a waste of skin and oxygen.

      If you look at it…none of those idiots have anything worthwhile to say, never mind reading. It’s just another grift.

      I’ve heard that these assholes use book deals as a way to launder bribes, kickbacks, and payoffs. The authors get ludicrous amounts of money to write the books… knowing full well they are just going to get binned or recycled.
