Thursday, September 5, 2024

Breaking Canadian News: Pakies On Parade

 Good ol’ Uncle Hack breaks the horrible news about the critical Canadian coffee and donut industry!

I still maintain that the coffee in the jerry can is better than 
the swill coming out of Tim Horton’s.

It’s not like the new owners can really mess anything up…

I should take a chit on their sidewalk and see how THEY like it, HAR HAR HAR HAR!

In serious mudflap news…it looks like Jagmeet The Pajeet has shredded the Canadian alliance between the shitlibs and the commie NDP…

Pull start…

Well! There’s nothing like getting lectured on Canadian values by a guy with bugs in his beard that poops in the street. A couple of times he nearly got torn apart by mobs of his own people and had to be whisked away by security. But…these guys only lie when their lips are moving, so who cares? Suddenly, after years of actions proving he was a bag man for the libs and their corporate masters… he’s suddenly concerned about things like the cost of food, energy and inflation…? Pull my other finger… 

Sigh… 😞 

Hopefully some of these leftist a-holes gets shot or has their necks stretched soon. I don’t see the collapse of the liberal/dipper alliance as the dawning of a new day, myself… but ya never know.


  1. FYI (OT):

    1. She’s not wrong, Fido. But gawd, I laughed.

      “Conclusion-jumping,” I scoffed, “that gets in the way of finding real answers.”

      The LAST thing that woman wants is answers. She wants to get up on her high horse and lecture the rest of us but if you name names and point out real sinners and demons she’ll jump down your throat and admonish you for being racist or mean or some other claptrap. TB’s like that too. I won’t be lectured by people that think surviving the impending reckoning is as easy as moving out to the country and planting a garden. They aren’t preppers, they’re naive morons with no concept about what a collapse truly entails. The ol’ nickel goes that 1/3 of the country wants to mass murder 1/3… and the remaining third wants to sit on their hands and watch. I find that mindset contemptible but whadda I know? Is living craven better than dying on principles? At the end of the day those people WILL eat the bugs, and I won’t be fooled by them. I like Claire, she’s a good egg I suppose… but there’s far better people in the prepper community that’re worth my time.

    2. You're absolutely right. About all of it. But she has a pulpit of sorts, so.. influence. I'm just trying to predict the future and get out of it's way.

      I think the thing I found most interesting is that she's now made the leap that Tucker talks about that, that many others have made: She's discovered "Evil". That it's not just stupid people, it's not people being evil, it's not even evil people, it's people being controled by Evil. Quite a leap for an atheist. I had to study the works of John Keel in great depth to make that leap.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again: politics and politicians won't change jack shit because, as bad as politicians are, they're not the problem - the assholes that vote for them are. Until our shitty culture sees a massive shakeup, and western society gets the massive shit kicking they sorely need, the status quo will remain static.

    1. Well I didn’t think so up until recently… but it appears you hit the nail right on the head, JL.

      PP talks a good talk… but the more he talks… I dunno… he just sounds like a little man with a big mouth to me.

    2. All PP is doing is pointing out Trudy's faults. Easiest job in the world, at this point. Fixing the problems he's caused is immeasurably more difficult. But, once again, why are we relying on someone like PP, or anyone else, to fix these problems? Why do we keep thinking that all we have to do is cast a ballot and that person we vote for will make all out problems go away?

      It's because we're too lazy and stupid to do the things we know we should ourselves. I don't think that'll ever change in our lifetimes.

    3. The hell of that is this: even that is an amazing, unusual show of spine for cuckservatives. It’s something they should have been doing long, long ago!

      But…yeah. Will they actually DO anything about them? I doubt it.
