Friday, September 20, 2024

Artists Lead The Charge Against Racism


Hrmmmmmm……. What is the virtuous good whiteman to make of this, then…?


  1. ....just another pie faced honey trap. Dime a dozen.

  2. The people that refuse to live in reality seem to enjoy complaining about the life they do not understand . They are intentionally obtuse.

  3. The jokes just write themselves.

    I don’t understand Asians trying to play the victimhood game. They have the nominal IQ, but not the verbal dexterity, love of rules lawyering, and astonishing ability to find offense in any and everything that Jews use to squat at the top of the victim hierarchy. And they don’t have the stupidity and lack of impulse control leading to mindless mob violence that the second-most victim group uses. Better to work with whites to counter the Official Victims, you dumbasses. The whinging and bitching is just fucking embarrassing.

    And what’s a white person to do? Be wrong of course. Draw Miss Fatty Face as she looks and you’re perpetuating hurtful stereotypes. Don’t draw her at all and you’re guilty of failure to Represent slitty-eyed harridans, or some other made up offense.
