Friday, September 20, 2024

Set The Water On Fire


Ain’t a fish in Alberta that can resist this.
This, or the Mepps luminous spinner…

The li’l 00 spinners are great for little trout on up
to the big slough snakes (pike).


  1. I'm partial to Panther Martin spinners myself but that one appears to be fishworthy too.

    1. I don't get it, A. I had tons of Panther Martins and maybe it was me, or my locale, or the fish gods - but I never had much success with Panther Martin spinners. I don't get it - the damn things are almost identical to Mepps! They come in all the same colours, finishes, patterns... but the fish in my world would pass on them. Pike would bite on them... but those damned things will bite on tin cans and old tires too...

    2. I'd cast the PM beyond the point where the algae grew, then fast retrieve so the blade would leave a wake but not go above the top of water. Largemouth would smash it it so hard, the lure would sometimes be thrown into air. Water had to be clear or clearish so that surface wake could be seen. Not slamming the Mepps by any means.

  2. Make mine a #2, silver-plated Aglia with the tiniest shred of chicken-skin blessing one of the hooks.

    1. Yes, you almost have to go bigger in areas overwhelmed with the little guys and fingerlings - otherwise you'll be spending your day getting them off your line and monopolizing your time...

  3. My tackle box as a kid was filled with those. I appreciate the nostalgia of better days, better people and a better nation that I grew up in.

    1. Yep - first ya had to find the lures that worked - and then buy plenty of back up spares...
