Friday, September 20, 2024

Classic Canadiana: National Day For Truth And Reconciliation

Awhile back ol’ Faggot Face and his liberal fart catchers decreed that The Hollow Cost and Residential Skool narratives were Holy Truth, and that any critique or denial of them were unacceptable and illegal. The new narratives are so true that the liberal faggotry that currently runs Canada has officially created a national holiday to celebrate white guilt - National Day For Truth And Reconciliation .

Welp… if we’re going to be truthful… let’s do the job right! I deny the fake narratives and the right of idiots like Turdo to force them on me.

Most of us are familiar with the Holocaust whopper. The holocaust did not incinerate 6 gazillion jews in the ovens. In point of fact, there were barely 6 million jews in Europe in 1939. None of the math or fact checking works out for the grifters on this one. If you want to talk about people that WERE good at killing jews - the socialists of Russia hold the record as having killed the most jews in history. Socialists… just like ol’ Faggot Face himself. But in Canada, even truth can be legally construed as hate speech so maybe I am edging up on fed-poasting. Suffice it to say that although war crimes were committed…the Germans were punished for them while the Russians and Japs got a pass. The Japs killed more Chinese than the Euros did jews… and that niggered buffoon Obama bowed and apologized to the Japs for American involvement of WW2! Ya can’t make this shit up! 


The Residential School myth is liberal Canada’s effort to demonize Christians and white people. Back at the turn of the century before last, TPTB noticed that the natives were becoming a big problem. Their reservations were trash strewn slums with epic rates of arson, incest, murder, assault, rape…(just ans they anre today) and they were a major PITA when they came into the cities (just as they are today). The church was enlisted to try and help natives transition into the modern world. Residential Schools, run by the clergy, were set up to give native children a safe place to grow up and learn the ways of the civilized world. But the liberals need victims for their war on common sense, so they invented fake lore to create fake victims. According to Turdo and his pals, the clergymen and nuns cruelly abducted native children from their peaceful and loving homes, took them to these residential schools - and raped and murdered them en masse. No bodies were ever found, no correspondence or records supported it, and in one site - a supposed grave yard for 200 dead native kids… not one single grave was found. And yet, natives started fire bombing churches for months and ol’ Turdo just shrugged and smirked.

But! Voat liberal, you red niggers! Only Justin Trudeau is looking out for you! And look! Now you have a fake holiday to add to your fake victims and fake narratives! 

It always goes this way with our natives. A hunnerd years ago they went to the UN complaining about white oppression, second class citizenship, and mistreatment. The wailing and sobbing went up the ivory tower at the UN… and resched St. Desmond Tutu himself! The enraged freedom fighter bellowed for his entourage, and they descended on Morontario, determined to right the wrongs and impose justice! But…when they got there, they found out that the natives got free food, free housing, free medical and dental, free education and generous financial grants. He saw the new arena that got burned down, the trashed late model vehicles, the garbage, the dog shit, the druggies… and he turned on his heel and left, after apologizing profusely to the Canadian officials…who were also embarrassed by the natives. That is what I will remember on Turdo’s Truth & Reconciliation Day… but you do you.

Yap on Parliament hill is that a non-confidence voat is looming. That in turn would trigger an election but for me… I couldn’t care less. This country is just effed and needs to die. The liberal morons in Ontario and Queerbec need their own country, and the rest of us need ours.

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