Saturday, August 3, 2024

“The True Test Of A Man’s Intelligence…”

… is measured by how much he agrees with you…”
                          General Aesop - plagiarizing W.E.B. Griffin



I’m still chuckling about JD Vance and the legions of howling purple faced rage head harridans that screamed in mortal agony when he beaked off about Chardonnay soaked cat ladies…😂😂😂 

Comrade Cow Cnut is still melting down over it, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!🤣🤣🤣 “He fucked a chesterfield!!! He’s weeeeeeeird!!!” The irony is almost lethal when the perverts and pedos from Clown World clutch at their pearls and call supposedly straight normal people ‘weird’.

Yes, we know you would, Cow Cnut.
That’s why you’re sitting in that chair…

This is a classic example of the lunacy of our times. JD notices that emotional, lonely angry, unwanted menopausal women make terrible leaders. And of course - the screeching, spitting and shrieking reaction from female leaders proves his point precisely.

I really wanna like JD. I grew up in a liberal hive dominated by awful women that wrecked their families and are crazier than chit house rats. They got so obnoxious that one day I started noticing things and had to be cancelled…and I loved it. Of course ya wish to God things didn’t go down the way they did… but the heart wants what it wants, and it is what it is. Proximity to people like that will rot your mind. What good is a heart when your thinking meat is well done charcoal?

“There ya go! Good as new! Walk it off!
You’ll be fine!”
Dr. Filthie - heart surgeon, outdoor plumber & retail meat cutter

From the looks of it…JD comes from exactly the same kind of neoliberal hive I did. I know what life is like there. If you disrespected The Estrogen goddesses… you would be out on your ear! Those people do not tolerate disagreement or dissention among their ranks which is why these awful cat women usually end up alone with only cats and other miserable old ladies for company. They drive people away. In the real world JD could not survive in liberal hive any more than I could. Yet… there he is. A mud flapped wife, Globohomo credentials on par with Pete Buttibuttblaster’s…and neoliberal baggage out the wazoo.

Is he who he the person he wants us to think he is? Or is he another fake and gay product of Clown World…?

Not trying to be a dink, I’m asking because I don’t know. 


  1. It's great to see you got paroled. Was it time off for good behavior (like that's gonna happen).

  2. My gut feeling is don't trust marries like, so I often look at the spouses of people claiming to be on our side because often they dont think about that. Vance's wife checks too many red flags for me, i think some of the screeching about him is cover by the usual suspects

    We had an guy run in our riding for conservative mla, waa for lower taxes, worked with several conservative groups i respect, didn't like he was a transplant from ontario. He gave off the same warning vibes as vance. So i looked into his wife, she was a paid employee of the liberal party and volunteered with several organizations that i consider evil.
    He was either a fake or a cuck, either way i voted against him as our canidate.


  3. Yeah, I have no idea. He pisses off all the right people, but then again that ain't hard. They'd get pissy and angry no matter who Trump picked, so that's no help. If I vote, I'm for Trump so Vance neither helps nor hurts, but other than that I got nothing.

  4. A deplorable dirt person made good and shining forth amongst the cloud people? Changing the system from within, draining the cesspool? A Roman Catholic Yalie wedded to a genooine Aryan liberal lawyerette, beholden to billionaire Thiel?

    Luke 4:5-6
    [5] And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. [6] And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

  5. I am with Don, he has the right enemies, if not him then who?

  6. Doesn't matter, the government always wins the election.

  7. It's my understanding that his big money is from Peter Thiel. If true, I think that makes Who he will be should he be V.P. or, as They want, Not Trump as president, obviously. Secret Service created that Oopsies moment, imo. So Vance as VP could do what? IDK, but I sure don't trust him. The other scenario? As President? Who knows???

  8. I agree with comments above. Trump is just a competing faction of Clown World. I'll vote for them because voting for the lesser evil might make the decline less unpleasant. Hopefully some of Trump's EO's will actually help middle America. He did amazingly well for Americans his first 3 years, despite hiring a bunch of saboteurs. He appointed a record amount of fairly useful judges.
