Sunday, August 4, 2024

CFB Stubfart Airfield: First Casualties


Scotty The Retard went in hard. Is this an ill omen for my own impending maiden flight with the dark but beautiful Turd Bird? 

It’s just a model. But…when these proud symbols might and power go down… I feel diminished somehow. Perhaps me and my intrepid stick built flying machine will redeem the pride of Stubfart Squdron with a successful flight? 

I hope you and yours fly with our Maker this coming week, and your families as well.




  1. Boeing?
    May the next one be Blessed.
    Steve S6

  2. That is twooly twagic! AAAAAAAAdminton has our prayers, try to be stronk!

  3. I've had two P-51's. They both wound up looking pretty much like that.

  4. This is an old story, but It involves Radio Control Planes in the late 1970s.
    My Dad was a High School Teacher. One of his Fellow teachers, was an RC Airplane Fanatic. His name was Russ. Every Winter, Russ would get a Brand New Plane at Christmas. He'd build the thing from January to about Easter Vacation. He built fast and he built well. (I had seen some of his work. He was truly a Craftsman.)
    So, One Friday before Easter Vacation he shows off his latest build to my dad and a couple others. It was the largest, nicest plane Russ had ever finished. He left that afternoon, and promised to report back on it Monday. Monday comes, and Russ says nothing about his plane. At lunch, my Dad asks him about it. Russ gives a wordless grunt, and sighs. "My Wife will tell you all about it, at the Faculty Picnic so, I might as well tell you first. I took the new bird out Saturday Morning to the field. It took off straight, and seemed to fly well. I played with it, landed it, and took it up again, and took it high up about as far as I could see. Then one of the newbies on the other side of the field, turned on his set on my Freq. My new plane rolled over, and before I could get control, it plowed into the dirt, full throttle. Nothing I could do. I scraped up the parts(they all fit in a large shoebox) and went home. As I walked in my wife asked how it had gone. I slammed the Shoebox down in front of her, and said ""I'm Building Boats!""
    And He never built or flew another lane. He raced RC Hydroplanes for another 10 Years, but never touched a plane again.
