Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Filthie Match Maker

Jeez. This one has me stumped. Nobody deserves that… 


  1. There are multiple levels of crazy in that pic, wouldn't wish that on anyone. Hell, she wouldn't even be fit for the salt mines after the coming apocalypse, I doubt she knows which end of the shovel to even hold.

    1. A lot of these creatures are going to go away when their big societal reset comes, unfortunately... or fortunately, depending on how you look at it...

  2. Absolutely repulsive.

  3. Spent Thousands on Harry Potter cartoons,, err,tats,,Rowling's inability to suspend reality and pretend men can become women disgusted her So Completely that she went and blacked it all out.
    I think it would be Great fun if Rowling heard about it, made an announcement that she Finally understands and Totally supports the trans movement. That dumbass would likely cut that arm off.
    After a few weeks, Rowling could change her mind again.
    She's not wrapped right.

  4. I can smell that nasty through the screen. An combination of rotting in the sun sturgeon, ass sweat and Chanel#5.

    Chutes Magoo

  5. As that arm surface landscape expands, she will probably use Marks-A-Lot pen to fill in the cracks. Tattoos are often regretted, but i don't see her in upper management positions.

  6. She needs to do the other arm to match.

  7. Tats are one thing, this is mental illness.
