Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Of Course It Never Works Like That


Ya never see stuff like that in the wild unless it’s a 260 lb. trailer queen or a she-boon.  I’ve heard from the younger fellas that they’d see such things at the gyms when they were working out, then the gals would flip out on them for ogling. 

I think that was actually a thing way back in the 90s, if I recall - might have been a Canadian thing? The shitlib women all decided that prostitution was an honourable profession, that women should be able to dress up like sluts and cack teasers and not have to put up with cat calls, rapists, predators  and all the dregs of slut culture.

My response was laughter and I remember getting egged for it too. Whatever. I should be able to leave my keys in the truck and my house unlocked at night too. 


  1. Now, more than ever, we NEED this guy back:


    1. Darn right!!!

      Where the hell have you been, JL? I hope all is well over there. You have many fans.

    2. What the fuck did I just read?
      And … is there more?

    3. I'm doing alright. Busy but alright. Every now and again, I consider blogging again, but what's left to say? Society's gotten so friggin stupid and insane, and it steadily gets worse by the day, the jokes pretty much write themselves. I dunno...maybe I'll come back.

      @Mike_C: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Moose?wprov=sfla1

      Basically, Space Moose was a comic strip created.for the sole purpose of pissing off the PC assholes in the 90's.

  2. What am I missing? Aren't those just yoga pants with some style accent? When I lived in So.Cal., that was the uniform of the day 24/7/365. The coasts have a higher per capita ratio of hot bodies than fly over country, because the girls/women that look like that migrate to and propagate there.
    There are certainly more potato bodies in rural Tennessee than out west, I assume it's the same back east.
    That's an outstanding figure in my book, I married the red headed version. It'll be 48 years September. Hasn't done it lately, but she has field stripped a 1911, P35, Glock, M1 carbine, Garande, M1a/M14, AR15 family. Think I'll keep her.

  3. You just have to have a ballerina in the house. They're fit, and slim, and their body is in fact a temple. The one here used to wear those to school when she was a junior. She didn't believe me when I told her they were transparent in sunlight (or flash photography.)
    That was ten years ago, and she still has the same figure but dresses must more demure these days.
