Friday, August 2, 2024

Filthicus: Free Bread And Circuses



Well looks like I am wrong again. But... am I? Am I really...?

It was a hundred years ago but I saw a passage on the innernet where some ignorant, hateful bigot was being lectured by a sexually disturbed Rainbow Warrior about sex. The old retard was just not learning and the poor proggie was at xer wit's end trying to explain it to him. But the old fool just wasn't picking up on how a fella can get a gummer from a woman with a pecker! The proggie assured us it WAS possible and we should all just accept it as a beautiful expression of love and human sexuality.

But whadda I know? I am not a biologist that can tell men from women, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!


  1. Put that fucker in a cage fight with Tyson. Make to put some perfume on him to turn Mike on . He would get a beating , then an anal rape.

  2. Drag the demon/creature in red out and beat it into submission.

  3. I know it's difficult to give the International Olympic Committee the middle finger with boxing gloves on, but basically Senora Carini wimped out and said Que sera, sera.

  4. Be appropriate if the next female kicked his nuts into the last row.
    Against the rules? We have no rules here.
    Steve S6

    1. That was my first thought, why didn't she just take one for the team, and ensure he never hits another woman at least in *this* season? A man in women's sports makes it clear that there *are* no rules. Plan accordingly.

  5. I wonder if any of the woke a-holes on the olympic committee would allow their daughter in the ring with the pretender?
    Better still, put one of the committee members in the ring with the troon. If they lose, the entire committee is relieved of their position & authority.

  6. If that Mahgrebi were to be deprived of his rights in France to beat on a white woman (or as is more customarily the case in the forthcoming dar Al Islam formerly known as France, to rape a white woman), the muzzies would riot for weeks.


  7. Didn't the USSR have the same issues with some of its "female" olympians in weight lifting and other sports where a man would have a definite advantage? It may be that it isn't a transgender, but one of those freaks of nature that is basically a man that was born without a penis.

    1. Testosterone comes from a Y chromosome (or drugs). It don't matter how many X's you've got, If you have a Y chromosome, you're not a woman.

  8. You get what you participate in...It's an choice, own it!

    Chutes Magoo
