Friday, August 16, 2024



  1. Fine art on a worthy machine.
    I had a mil. grade Norinco in the late 80's, that grouped like a shotgun, instant trading stock. Got another one in the box with 3 new mags (new, safe queen from a friend for $300) around 2010, Manual of arms and ergonomics still sucked, a cop buddy of mine kept bribing up his offer until it got to $1500. At that point, I was SURE he really wanted it more than me.

  2. I just want to watch all the right places jiggle when she cranks off a few.

    See what I did there?


    1. When I overthrow this forlorn nation, assume command and restore law, order and niceness… I’m gonna make it illegal for women to wear braids or have short hair.

      (Except for the harridans, shrews, and harpies for whom it will be mandatory… and they’ll be heavily taxed for it too…😡
