Thursday, August 15, 2024



  1. There are very few actual rules in the New Testament. Two of them are, "No gays!" and "No women in positions of authority!"

    1. Not trying to be a dink or insult anyone, McC… but I am astonished that the catholic church is still a thing….

    2. Pretty sure it's "no gay guys"; and the girls get a pass.

      But I'm howling with laughter at that caption.

  2. Not the Christianity I was studying. I am not and was not Catholic. This set of behaviors and allowances are anethema.

  3. Giveth the deviates a Centimeter and they'll taketh a Kilometer

  4. Catholic, the first Church, allows neither. That's why it is villianized.

  5. It takes a special kind of lunatic to call for the destruction of your own society. The good book has a lot to say about loving the sinner and hating the sin. It also has a lot to say about dealing with evil that refuses to rest until it wipes Christianity off the globe.

  6. Mixing Mussies and gays. Self correcting problem here.

  7. I suggest that this Bishop take a sabbatical and study at the Qom Seminary in Tehran, Iran.

    I am pretty sure that she would be exposed to some new perspectives.

  8. I saw Mel Gibson somewhere on the net… and he’s gone full scale conspiritard - just like most of us these days I’m afraid. He suspects - and I agree - that a parasitic core germinated in the Vatican long ago… that grew over time to supplant, usurp, and replace the old church with the garbage we see today. I am not catholic so I can’t say anything…but crap like this convinces me that this problem starts at the top, and the Catholic Church needs a good house cleaning…
