Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Rock And The Hard Place

“After tonight’s events I have come to the realization that I no longer want any association whatsoever with any liberals. None. Not in the community, not at church, not anywhere. The reasons for this decision are rooted in the belief that being around these people poses a threat to our sanity, safety, and families. First and foremost, the constant bombardment of liberal ideologies and beliefs has become a source of mental and emotional exhaustion. The never-ending debates, the constant need to defend our values, and the relentless pressure to conform to their worldview have taken a toll on our mental well-being. These people are insane and in associating with them we allow their madness to infect us.  The safety of our families and communities is at risk when we associate with liberals. The liberal narrative often promotes a sense of victimhood, division, and chaos, which leads to violent protests, property destruction, and even physical harm to those who dare to oppose their views as we witnessed tonight. We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our loved ones by distancing ourselves from those who subscribe to such destructive ideologies. Get and stay far away from these”

That’s Andrew Torba, owner of Gab. Giuseppe responds. 

It’s a good read. My own experience with these liberals supports both viewpoints. Christians and conservatives and patriots are using restraint, being civil and holy. That has resulted in sodomites replacing clergymen in the pulpits and the Vatican and rainbow flags flying over the churches. And violence and rebellion are sinful acts. But so is enabling and allowing sinful acts.

Might it be time to spit on our hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats…? Make some examples? I understand the reluctance…but these guys aren’t going to stop. In fact…they’re just getting started.


  1. It isn't in the nature of conservatives to play like the liberals and no matter how hard you beat the war drums the liberals will always dominate because as an ideology they are obsessed, neurotic well organized sociopaths. Conservatives tend to be individuals and free spirits. I’m not sure which came first. the mindset that is wired to be liberal, or the Liberalism infecting a perfectly neutral mind.

    1. It matters who starts it. It's the difference between offense and defense. It's everything.

      I was raised a pacifist. When some local scum thankfully drew my attention to the incompatibility of my values and reality, I had a rude awakening. Simple rational thought led to the inescapable conclusion that the best way to avoid violence was to be damn good at it.

      As I studied the martial arts, I had another epiphany: Offence must vanquish. Defense need only survive. Offence must initiate, by choice. Defense has no choice. When you have a choice, you must consider, perhaps even reconsider... doubt. Defense is committed, free of doubt and hesitation, has the power of faith. Defense usually has the "home court advantage"... can be entrenched. The next thing I noticed was that it's actually far easier to kill someone than it is to just incapacitate him. You can easily kill someone when you only intended to hurt him.

      The result is that sane people do *not* want to fight, unless they're willing to kill.... and defense is one *hell* of an advantage. This is what Kipling was talking about, and is that "switch" that get's flipped. Hysteresis: Don't fight if you don't have to, if you have to, escalate quickly and bring it to a quick conclusion. End the violence, one way or another, so you don't have to *live* in it. Dying in it is far prefereable.

      So... I won't be starting anything. But they've told us their intentions, and they're coming. Forewarned is forearmed. Whether I live or die is not what matters. What matters is that I will *not* live in violence. When the violence cannot be avoided, I will *escalate* the violence exponentially, until it *stops*. Permanently. I'm now on a hair trigger.

  2. Thanks for posting this Glen. I hadn't seen GF's blog before, and like most things that seem at first glance to be potentially profound, I've printed it out and will have to re-read it and let it stew and simmer in the back of my head for awhile before I form a firm opinion.

  3. Conservatives have conserved nothing, they are apologists for liberal policies that they initially oppose but then embrace. Almost nothing is repealed, appeasement is the order of the day. We need a new movement. Going back to 1950 ain’t an option, we need a new way forward and the “principled losers” of conservatism are not our friends. We need to fight to win, no compromise, no mercy for those who do not truly repent

  4. Conservatives are just conservative liberals who end up defending things they said they opposed five years ago. Thats why they almost never repeal liberal laws, or try to impose their claimed beliefs when in power. Look at the UK, the conservatives ruled like leftists and got crushed for it. We need a new movement and philosophy, otherwise the losing continues.

  5. "Retreating from these people is NOT the answer. "

    100% agreement with that. People ask me why I'm still living in California. "People like you should be moving to "The American Redoubt." "American Redoubt?" Really? So, I'm supposed to move from the one state in the the country that pretty much has EVERYTHING, to a region of the country with hot, humid summers, cold as hell winters, crappy soil, short growing seasons, and bordered by loony Left states? NO. Yes, there are a lot of loons out here. I push back REGULARLY against them as needed. There's also GREAT farming soil, a long growing season, plenty of land for livestock, THREE deepwater ports, oil, minerals, fisheries, a temperate climate, ...Have I missed anything?...

    NO. I will NOT retreat! No war is EVER won by running from it!!! And friends, this IS war...
