Sunday, July 14, 2024

Never Ascribe To Malice That Which Can Be Explained By Stupidity

Well I just got off Blab and it is a madhouse right now. The lunatics on the left have been flipping out and shooting themselves in the balls for the last four years with absolutely tragic and lethal consequences. Now the guys on our side of the cultural divide are flipping out too. Ai caramba. For the Christians it would be a good time to remember and maybe review the Proverbs chapter in the bible. For the non-religious types it can be paraphrased and grossly simplified as simple common sense. "Don't get in stupid arguments and stupid fights, in stupid places with stupid people. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open...." It goes on like that, cautioning people to be mindful of what they say, what they do, and how they think.

I will be pushing that line awful hard here, but I think a dispassionate preliminary review of the assassination attempt yesterday might be worthwhile. The usual weasel words and caveats apply: I am an outhouse, arm chair critic of geopolitics with a stubfart's understanding of the people, motives, and politics in general. In my time I was a semi-competitive marksman that knows his way around a rifle. What I am trying to say is: I could be full a beans.

With that out of the way - I think I can bring some clarity to some of this. Leaving politics aside for the moment, I think this may be exactly what it looks like. Preliminary examination of the sketchy facts suggests that this was a "gimme" shot. At 120 yards, a competent rifleman would have taken Trump's head off yesterday. A military marksman could make that shot standing on his head, upside down in the shower, while taking rounds. If a pro had taken that shot, Trump would be on a slab today. 

If a pro sniper were involved - nobody would ever have seen him. Making the shot is not the measure of the sniper so much as being able to get away afterward. It suggests to me that the only reason Trump is still breathing today is that some spooled up lefty f-tard planned the hit and took the shot. The people that spun him up are equally just as stupid as he is. Errr... was.

It is suggested that the secret service and deep state is complicit. It's possible... but consider: these rallies are a nightmare for security guys. The president is surrounded by men with guns in plain clothes. Sure, we see the feds with sunglasses, suits, and tells that denote they are carrying serious heat... but I wouldn't be at all surprised if a few are wearing ball hats and tee shirts too. When the shooting starts, everything is pandemonium. People get out of designated positions, some may drop the ball and panic, and the potential for friendly fire is through the roof. That in turn makes for legitimate hesitation and yes, it can cost lives and compromise performance. Those guys are responsible for the shots they take regardless of the circumstances.

There is questions about the competency of the secret service in this and they are legit too. Right now it looks like the head of the secret services is a diversity hire - a woman, with long political connections. Almost certainly more of a bureaucrat and much less a security professional. To make an event like a political rally safe takes careful prep by security experts that can think like professionals AND lunatics alike. The same idiots that brought us debacles like Covid, mass unchecked immigration, mainstream faggotry, suicidal environmental activism, the war in the 'Kraine... they will be in this up to their ears. Their ability to plan a hit as probably as good as their ability to prevent one.

A lot of folks are praising God for sparing Trump... and I just dunno about that. Trump is not a Godly man by any stretch. I dunno if God would even involve Himself in the swirling vortex of fuckery that has been unleashed by this. I personally would have deep reservations about assuming any divine involvement in any of it.

One thing IS for sure - words are just like bullets. You can't call them back once they're fired off, contrary to the stupids and mouth breathers involved in this. The late Jeff Cooper had a great piece of doggeral inspired by much less dire circumstances that could apply to the events yesterday:

The bullet is part of the cartridge

The cartridge goes into the breech

As you take pains with your rifle

Take equal pains with your speech.

Y'all have a great Sunday.



  1. Yeah, I'm just waiting to see what the shooter's internet history and social media accounts are like. And details like, did he buy the rifle last week? Has he ever shot a rifle before? Was it even sighted in? Probably like the Uvalde shooter, we'll never get answers as to who spooled that 20 year old up. Which tells us exactly who spooled him up.

    But yeah, if they had positioned just one agent on such an obvious roof beforehand, none of this would have happened. Either someone is very incompetent, or someone is very complicit.

    1. A lot of lefties are buying guns right now, Don. In my lurking at a few of their websites (I like to keep tabs on people I don’t trust)… they’re buying guns but very, very few are taking the time to be proficient with them. The marksmanship we saw yesterday would tend toward supporting the idea that the perp was one of them…

  2. There's video of the SS counter-sniper team on the roof being surprised by the shots coming from the rooftop they were supposed to be watching, then eventually returning fire after several seconds.

    The shooter fired at least 5 times before they got on the ball.

    The commentariat is full of Lefties bemoaning the fact the attempted assassination failed.

    1. All true. But to me the lefties are suspiciously silent - MSN and the usual lefty puke pots are awfully silent today. I saw a blurb on how Nancy Pelosi "was a total class act in response to the incident..." Comrade Cow Cunt is not running her menopausal hell mouth. Why? To me... it may imply the smarter ones are scared chitless about how we on the right are going to react to this...

      Not saying you're wrong McC... I will say it again: I could be full a beans. I reserve the right to change my opinion as more facts come in. But to me...? 5 shots? A pro would have fired what...? One to three?

    2. Anything up to 250 yards is a chip shot with a centerfire rifle, even with iron sights. *If* you know how to shoot, and have practiced for more than 15 minutes.

  3. Good thoughts Glenn. Thanks for putting them out there.


  4. Phrase of the day, "swirling vortex of fuckery". Love it!

  5. How did some stoner dude climb unnoticed on a roof carrying a rifle? Somebody had to be scratching their head watching a hippie struggle with a rifle while trying to piss-ant an extension ladder around. I sure smell a rat. A rat that looks like george soros.

    1. I am not a squaddie, Tex. But I’ve read enough of them and even the works of those that study them and delve into their problems with PTSD.

      I’m paraphrasing from memory but when humans are confronted with fight or flight situations, a lot of times inexperienced war fighters will freeze. Their minds don’t believe what they’re seeing and can’t recognize that they or their cohorts are in mortal danger requiring lethal force.

      Put yourself in their boat: how did that guy get there? Was he a friend or a foe? Is he one of ours neutralizing a threat, or the perp that IS the threat? The situation is dire, if you drop a round on one of your own, your life is over, the reputation of the service goes through the wringer, and you are looking at a lifetime of guilt and regret if you make the wrong call.

      I admit I could be full of shite too - you could be right, the thing was a deep state sanctioned hit that went horribly wrong. We may never know the truth of things given the people involved.

  6. Maybe a lower god had a hand in it. In my not so humble opinion, God would pick the perfect person, FOR THE JOB.
    Sure, he's just another egotesticle, rich, oligarch, BUT, he loves America and Amercans.
    He's from a different faction, though, still associated with (((THEM))).
    Will he have learned anything meaningful, useful, from his first run?
    I sure as hell hope so. My hope today is the same as NINE years ago, he's monkey wrench in the gears of the Great Satanic Borg.
    I've got fairly low expectations...but still hopeful.

  7. Glenn, Cooper actually wrote " you carefully choose you apparel, take equal pains with your speech." -- DVC

    1. Really? I’m going from memory at least 25 years ago. Thanks for the correction.

  8. You're right, A pro would have split the melon. A guy who is down with hating Trump and agreed to take the shot, knowing that he would get the chance, tried. This has LIHOP writ large on it. People TRIED to get LEOs to See the guy and they just couldn't,, Howboutthatschitt? He wasn't a pro,, but, if he had lived long enough to report to The Chief, he would have said
    Chief,I missed by This Much.

  9. I've had it pointed out to me that the god of the bible has a long history of using/supporting extremely flawed people:

    King David had a guy sent to die at the front of a war, so that he could fuck his wife, after seeing her bathing from his rooftop.

    Noah drank to the point of wandering around naked.

    Moses had a speech impediment, and so little self confidence that Aaron did most of his work for him, and an uncontroled temper that make him destroy gods direct handiwork... for which he was condemned to die wandering in the bush.

    Gotta say... by all rights that bullet should have found it's mark. Hard to shake the notion that there's more going on here.

    1. Perhaps I misspoke, Fido. I see seriously unholy doings ahead. Biblicly, when people abandon God he abandons them in return as they re-learn timeless lessons and wisdom the hard way. I see that in the days ahead. You are of course, entirely correct.

  10. Just because Trump isn't particularly devout that doesn't mean God isn't using him, or protecting him. Look at Samson; a womanizing, murderous apostate but according to the Bible, God used him.

    1. Yes you guys are right. Flaws or no, we are all here for a purpose.

  11. The Left is too quiet about this, which might mean anything. My bet follows Occam's Razor - the idiot missed, so the plans of the Left had to be abandoned and the troops are awaiting new orders.

    I'm not a great marksman, but with iron sights and a rest I could have made that shot.

    One thing to consider is that Trump tends to move around a lot; he's not one to stand still. Biden, now, will freeze in place for long minutes. So I guess we'll just wait to see what happens next.

    1. They’re waiting to see what the right is going to do. As an outsider looking in… I think you’re going to have to start playing the game on their terms.

  12. Getting to within a couple of inches of ending DJT with open sites at 130ish yards is skilled, but he botched the next few, thank God. The fact the BBC and NBC both interviewed people who saw the perp and warned the cops and Secret Service up to five minutes before the attempt, seems to indicate more than the gross incompetence many assume. Hanlon was wrong, in politics assume evil rather than stupidity, those in power know exactly what they are doing.
