Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Rage Ramble


Mom. Again..! 😡

I shouldn’t get mad. My mom is 80, and crazier than a shit house rat. Always has been. She’s a ‘spiteful mutant’ as the Z Man refers to such people. She and I fought like cats n’ dogs all our lives. About the stupidest shit too. About all I can do about her is promise my Maker I won’t murder her, and I’ll clean up the mess when she dies - provided I am not immolated when she finally implodes or explodes for good! HAR HAR HAR!


Gah… I know, I shouldn’t be such a dink. We just lost Pop a couple months back. She’s a new widow, and coping is a challenge at times. She’s pretty awful I avoid her because all we do is set each other off. I go over to do chores sometimes, and make sure the old bitch isn’t dead… and I take my lumps. She’s officially insane now… and taking offense at retards and lunatics is just too tiresome at this point in my life. 

Naturally, when Mom decided she was lonely and decided to get another dawg… I was pleased as punch to be informed that I would not be involved because I don’t know anything about dogs and I’m stupid. She and Big Bro would make the selection and make the arrangements  which suited me just fine. I don’t think she should be getting a dog at all considering how she handled her last one but… whadda I know, right? I know how quiet and lonely a house gets without dogs or cats and their pandemonium.

Welp… Mom thinks she’s going to get a middle aged ankle biter dog from the pound. Off they go to the pound, and back they come with an 8 lb. chainsaw named…Karen… 😂😂😂

So… they get the pup home… and mom gets bit and needs a couple stitches. I tell mom to go down to the medic enter on baseline  where they can stitch you up in 20 minutes… but I’m stupid and don’t know anything so she goes to Emergency at the hospital… where she has to wait… and wait… and wait. She left Big Bro at home with the dog.  Apparently he had to stay the night. She made a point of telling me later how fortunate she was to have a good son like Big Bro to help her through life’s tough times and little emergencies. Of course the implication was that I wasn’t… and I don’t think she was happy with me when I agreed. Mom used to drive me bonkers with her head games but now… I just don’t care. 

I’ll save the pup if I can when Mom gets too old to care for it. That’s assuming I’m in a position to do so. But who knows? Maybe Mom and Big Bro are just off to a bad start? Maybe things will level out? I am around if needed… but otherwise I’m just peachy in my role as the spare, unnecessary son.


  1. Forgive me for being an asshole, but it seems like she raised you right. If nothing else, that gives her some redeeming value in my eyes.

    Somewhere, somehow she made multiple series of good decisions that hammered young-you into old-you.

    Some motors run better on weasel-piss and vitriol. Maybe she saw that in you.

  2. So sorry for all involved. It's not easy being nuts, it REALLY complicates shit and gives folks episodes of stupidity.

  3. Family, can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em...

  4. My Mum and I had some terrible arguments. There were times I wished her gone, she was stubborn just like me and that invariably led to conflict. Now she is in Heaven with God and my Dad and all her friends. I miss taking her grocery shopping, going to an fav eatery or hearing her talk with her peeps on the phone in the evening when I stayed over. My Mum was tough as nails...RIP.

    Chutes Magoo

  5. Dogs reflect their owners. Dogs are not made in the image of God, and are not liable for the same crimes as we who are....they get a somewhat free pass, considering their very short lives, diminished capability, etc. It's a shit detail, but it is over quick. We can't make them, and their life comes from and goes back to The Owner of Living Souls.....His Name is Jehova, The Great I AM, The Saviour.....He went to great trouble to save His elect few.....He is also in charge of the other living beings.
