Friday, June 28, 2024

US Presidential Debates


I didn’t watch it it and wouldn’t if I could. I’da thunk that it would be the usual CNN Trump Derangement crap or Creepy Joe getting vapour locked and pantsed by The Bad Orange Man. The utter stupidity and preposterousness of it is staggering. No one is immune, even we - or at lest I - have nightmares of global domination by these turd brained morons! These guys couldn’t find their own arse with both hands. 


  1. Even Van Jones is admitting that Abidin' needs to go away. It's just elder abuse at this point.

  2. It was worse than many thought it would be.

  3. Worst debate evuh!

    I heard a talking head on the radio claim there was a “battle” between Trump & Biden. I heard no evidence of any such battle as mics were cut during an opponent’s answer.

    Great-gramps appeared toothless & feeble, Trump just described his time as president and delivered it in a bland, monotone manner.

    Trump jammed himself up here, he and his team agreed to the debate w/o really even knowing the bullshit terms the Biden camp had demanded and that wasn’t very smart of Team Trump.

    This ad dropped after the debate and it’s a gem!

    Happy Friday Y'all.

  4. I didn't watch the debate. I meant to, but then I got sidetracked. What I hear is that President Biden performed like a slow motion train wreck, complete with hazmat spill. President Trump didn't have to do much of anything except let Biden keep digging.

    Even some of the moonbats are saying that Joe can't cut it, but Kamala is a sure loser.

  5. Biden couldn't find his ass with both hands, and the aid and assistance of every Homo in San Francisco.

    As an American, this year our choices are: a convicted felon (Trump), a man who was judged mentally unfit to stand trial (Biden) or the dude who had a brain worm removed (JFK Jr.)

    I give you the greatest country in the world, gentlemen.
