Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Femme F-Tardo

The modern equestrian 

They’re mostly incredibly pretty…
But utterly insane.
Take a cat lady, dial it up to 11 and you got
Godzilla on ‘roids!


  1. Good God, I hope she dusted liberally with talcum powder prior to putting on them britches. After a hot day of riding around, can you imagine the stench? I mean, I'm not very fresh either after mowing the yard, but at least I'm in khaki and the sweat can work its way out. And yeah, cat lady syndrome maxed out to 1000.

  2. If I really want to rile them up, I just quietly comment that I think horses are good eating.

  3. horse girls are a different breed

  4. Nice nether regions. VERY photogenic! I love the smell of wench.
