Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday Ramble: Filthie DO Something!!!!

 There’s a lot a folks getting really, REALY antsy these days. The recent judicial shit show with Trump probably wasn’t the last straw… but I swear I can hear the camel’s vertebrate cracking and popping under the load. It’s just as bad up here in Canada. And in Fwance, Britain and Europe.

In a real country fags like these would
never get anywhere near real wealth and power. 
It’s pretty much obvious to everyone at this point that they need to be swept away.
The establishment that produced them needs a major overhaul too.

Who said it? JFK? I’m too lazy to look. But it goes to the tune that people that can’t resolve their conflicts peacefully, will solve them violently. Out here in the outhouse…peaceful resolution is looking more and more unlikely. I’m just vapour locked and constipated. I dunno what to do. Before I do anything I need to stop, look around and take stock.

After he’s done fucking all the cattle and slowly torturing Michael to death, General Aesop is going to mobilize the elderly stubfart brigade and unleash hell and fury on the establishment’s forces of evil.  That’ll start America’s second civil war off right!!


Who is that!!?! Pete? Chutes?
This grizzled retard stubfart freedom fighter is shooting a pistol/rifle hermaphrodite
with a 3-9X variable on it. His decision making skills are obviously 
impeccable as well…
Tremble in fear, ye tyrants, cudgels and black hearts!

Sigh. Good luck with that, General! As for me…no, I am not going to go dashing out the door to shoot squaddies and cops. I’m sure JL and his Mounties will be relieved. Anything I do has to be at least partially intellectually and morally sound. If lethal force is on the table or in play I will have to answer to my Maker at some point and He frowns on horseplay when homo-cide is involved. 

The scholarly Borepatch likens the Trump verdicts to Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon. He may well be right and I may be full a beans… but… I don’t think so. We live in an age of apathy and indifference, and people are all over the board on the farcical court ruling out of New York. It’s certainly an escalation…but I think the Rubicon will be crossed when Trump is either killed or imprisoned… and maybe not even then? We’ll see, BP tends to be more right than wrong about these things…

Pragmatist, engineer and dirt farmer Joe poasted an adequate summation of the situation but his conclusion does not sit well with me at all. Joe is a wealthy man - certainly spiritually speaking. He has land, tools, indoor plumbing and solid people in his circle. He can’t control anything that’s going on, so why worry about it? I can think of a couple reasons: I’d say that everything he has is predicated on two things: the grace of God…and laws that protect his property, liberty and life… this kinda stuff is important. Maybe you don’t have to worry about it right now…but you should be concerned, given the guys driving it…at some point… they WILL be a problem. For everyone. The guys doing this are directly and indirectly involved with the war against Russia that has killed over a million Ukes. They’re snuggled up with jews that are mass murdering Palestinians in Gaza which could set the Middle East on fire. They’re talking about giving China the business. At some point these birds are gonna come home to roost. Is that what God wants? For us to sit high and dry and safe while lunatics literally murder our country and others? Where does our duty of care start, and where does it end? Not trying to be a dink, I’m asking because I don’t know…

Which brings me to TB. Oh gawd, I’m gonna need a surgeon to pass this mental turd…😖 He’s absolutely right on all counts. Biblically and morally speaking everything is precedented and set by God Himself in some cases. GAH! The only thing worse than a rat faced jew is a pious and devout Christian! How did I get mixed up with those guys? My problem with it is that is this…we are literally and figuratively dealing with guys on the other side of this that are murderers, rapists, child molestors and grifters. They have no conscience, they don’t care about anyone, they are flat out psychopaths. Justin Trudeau got fired from his only job as a substitute drama teacher because “he had an inappropriate relationship with one of his students”. He’s a pedo. Surprise surprise…Joe took showers with his daughter and molested her. They both got passes because of their money and power. They were treated with courtesy consideration and civility…and now Turdo is trying to disarm his citizens by gun grabbing, and Biden is jailing his political adversaries. Being courteous and polite to your psychotic enemies will not make them your friends. Being nice to shitty people is exactly what got us here.  Biiiiiiiig siiiigh. 


Filthie!!! DO something!!!

I’m thinking. If all I have is 15 seconds left to live, I will spend 12 of them trying to think my way out of it and if that doesn’t work… I’m flipping a coin and it’s either Aesop or TB. If it’s Aesop it’s all good - his team will need someone that knows something about guns. I’ll be all in, all the way and I’ll be killing cultural Marxists with a smile on my face, until my ammo runs out. If I’m still alive at that point the blade comes out. If I don’t settle with those fucks in this world, I’ll get them in the next. If I side with TB I will probably hate myself for it but at least I won’t be having to kill innocent people. The innocent are the ones that suffer when the guilty wage wars.

But for now…I still have time to think. There’s still a lot of plates spinning, with a lot of checks and balances that will be drawn into this before it’s done. It’s easy to panic and assume the worst. Keep your options open as long as you can. Be lawful…but be ready too. 

Burn your bridges when you come to ‘em. Cheers, everyone…and thanks for stopping by.



  1. Where is his mag?

  2. Nice succinct summation.

  3. If you could buy that Aesop character for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth you'd be well off.

  4. Aesop should be delighted that Michael gave him something to occupy the abundance of time he seems to have.

    1. I think the only mistake Michael made was taking the General seriously enough to debate with him.

  5. I hadn't gotten to T.B's, The Forty Five yet (you're sooner in my bookmarks) so off I have to go for reference material. I identify with both of you. Maybe it's because I spent until 2015 (from 1951) in the So. Cal. petri dish, that I see you 2 as pretty close on the spectrum of apparent reality. What are we gonna do? Depends on what's happening when. HAVE A PLAN!!! So you can change it with 1st contact. I'm old and beat up enough, that I've decided there's things WAY worse than death.
    The way it it looks to me, according to the laws of Thermodynamics, Lucifer/En.ki and Satan/Marduk win/destroy our reality. Their Program/Narrative won't be fun. Best I can do is, the best I can do. I'm hoping for a "good" death with honor. Meanwhile, my piece of Tennessee is near paradise, meaning the invaders are going elsewhere, so far. My life is undeservedly happy/great. Thank the Lord.

    1. We are starting to see diversity here…but the human trash is mostly in the big city. The vibrants out here are mostly respectful so far. Ikm sure that’ll change unless things turn around on immigration…

  6. Dirt-farmer Joe piping up.

    Thanks for the mention.

    Do you remember RASIC charts? R = Responsible (has authority for operational decisions and is held accountable). A = Approval (power to veto). S = Supporting (required to support within the silo of their functions). I = Informed (mostly drones). C = Consulting (been there, done that, knows where most of the landmines and bodies are buried).

    There is a lot of heartaches and scars associated with not staying in your swim-lane vis-a-vis RASIC and my poast was a feeble attempt to talk about it without a lot of jargon.

    Even though it might seem like I have a FOAD attitude, my wife and I have been on our property for 30 years and have been dialing it in to be self-supporting. That doesn't make me cocky. Tommy Dumphuk can end my life in a heartbeat.

    Thanks for writing, you old curmudgeon. And thanks for standing cross-wind from me.

    1. All too true, Joe. We all have to look at what we can actually do. We need to think about the end game too… will those that survive it be pleased with what they did and didn’t do?
